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 squeal [skwi:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 尖叫, 抱怨

vi. 发出尖叫声, 高声埋怨

vt. 用尖声说

[电] 尖声

    [ noun ]
    1. a high-pitched howl

    2. <noun.event>
    [ verb ]
    1. utter a high-pitched cry, characteristic of pigs

    2. <verb.communication> oink
    3. confess to a punishable or reprehensible deed, usually under pressure

    4. <verb.communication>
      confess fink

    Squeal \Squeal\ (skw[=e]l), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Squealed}
    (skw[=e]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Squealing}.] [Of Scand. origin;
    cf. Sw. sqv["a]la, Norw. skvella. Cf. {Squeak}, {Squall}.]
    1. To cry with a sharp, shrill, prolonged sound, as certain
    animals do, indicating want, displeasure, or pain.

    2. To turn informer; to betray a secret. [Slang]

    Squeal \Squeal\, n.
    A shrill, sharp, somewhat prolonged cry.

    1. Ms. Harwood uses the suit only for emergencies, but she never patrols without her "Dazer," a pocket-sized weapon designed to startle dogs with a high-frequency squeal.
    2. A squeal went up from the crowd lining Constitution Avenue at the start of the parade as the First Couple emerged from their car nearly half a block after leaving the Capitol, prompting some parade-watchers to run after the motorcade.
    3. The notorious near-nudes scamper and scurry and squeal here and there in Titania's thrall. Their faces and bodies are powdered white, and they brandish lasso-like ribbons, which they spin round themselves when they perform their jaunty little jigs.
    4. I gave the lady no time to squeal.
    5. Ron Sexton's reward for winning a school contest was nothing to snort at. Then again, it probably didn't make him squeal with delight.
    6. Electronic detectors beep, crow, ring, or squeal whenever someone enters the lounge or strides around the room.
    7. "I think during the 'soft landing' here the wheels will squeal a little bit more than expected."
    8. I even made the tires squeal a few times when I really tried to gun it.
    9. Are Madonna's rights infringed when another record uses her trademark squeal electronically raised an octave?
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