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 sprinkle ['sprɪŋkl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 洒, 散置, 撒, 点缀

vi. 洒, 撒, 下小雨

n. 洒, 撒, 散置, 小雨, 少量

    [ noun ]
    1. a light shower that falls in some locations and not others nearby

    2. <noun.phenomenon>
    3. the act of sprinkling or splashing water

    4. <noun.act>
      baptized with a sprinkling of holy water
      a sparge of warm water over the malt
    [ verb ]
    1. distribute loosely

    2. <verb.contact> disperse dot dust scatter
      He scattered gun powder under the wagon
    3. cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force

    4. <verb.contact>
      splash splosh
      She splashed the water around her
    5. rain gently

    6. <verb.weather>
      patter pitter-patter spatter spit
      It has only sprinkled, but the roads are slick
    7. scatter with liquid; wet lightly

    8. <verb.change>
      besprinkle sparge
      Sprinkle the lawn

    Sprinkle \Sprin"kle\ (spr[i^][ng]"k'l), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Sprinkled} (-k'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Sprinkling}
    (-kl[i^]ng).] [OE. sprenkelen, freq. of sprengen to sprinkle,
    to scatter, AS. sprengan, properly, to make to spring,
    causative of springan to spring; akin to D. sprenkelen to
    sprinkle, G. sprengen. See {Spring}, v. i., and cf.
    1. To scatter in small drops or particles, as water, seed,

    2. To scatter on; to disperse something over in small drops
    or particles; to besprinkle; as, to sprinkle the earth
    with water; to sprinkle a floor with sand.

    3. To baptize by the application of a few drops, or a small
    quantity, of water; hence, to cleanse; to purify.

    Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience.
    --Heb. x. 22.

    Sprinkle \Sprin"kle\, v. i.
    1. To scatter a liquid, or any fine substance, so that it may
    fall in particles.

    And the priest shall . . . sprinkle of the oil with
    his finger seven times before the Lord. --Lev. xiv.

    2. To rain moderately, or with scattered drops falling now
    and then; as, it sprinkles.

    3. To fly or be scattered in small drops or particles.

    Sprinkle \Sprin"kle\, n.
    1. A small quantity scattered, or sparsely distributed; a

    2. A utensil for sprinkling; a sprinkler. [Obs.]

    1. Just before serving, sprinkle with cheese.
    2. In between, Atwater would sprinkle anecdotes about politicians he has helped and opposed, according to an outline dated Sept. 4. The State newspaper obtained a copy and reported on it Friday.
    3. The whole of Sicily is carpeted with them: they spill on to motorways, spread across rubbish dumps, crawl up ruins and sprinkle the valleys of the island's interior like a pointilliste painting.
    4. Lay the fish, skinned side up, on a grid laid across the gratin dish in which you will serve it, and grill for about 4 minutes under moderate heat. Turn the salmon, then sprinkle and press the savoury breadcrumbs lightly over it.
    5. Cut into squares with a sharp knife and sprinkle with a little cold water to stop curling.
    6. Italian gamblers often sprinkle salt on the table's green felt, supposedly to ward off evil spirits, said floor person Guy Brady.
    7. Recipe for a potentially record-winning burrito: mix 70 pounds of beans with 70 pounds of meat, spread it in 750 tortilla shells and sprinkle with 15 pounds of cheese.
    8. Saute them quickly in the last tablespoon of ghee and sprinkle them over the veal.
    9. Or cut the bacon into snippets and sprinkle it over the chicory just before serving.
    10. "We show people how to sprinkle blue corn meal on the ground, and say thank you to the earth before sitting down to meditate," he says.
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