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 spray condenser 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 喷雾冷凝器

    Spray \Spray\, n. [Probably from a Dutch or Low German form akin
    to E. spread. See {Spread}, v. t.]
    1. Water flying in small drops or particles, as by the force
    of wind, or the dashing of waves, or from a waterfall, and
    the like.

    2. (Med.)
    (a) A jet of fine medicated vapor, used either as an
    application to a diseased part or to charge the air of
    a room with a disinfectant or a deodorizer.
    (b) An instrument for applying such a spray; an atomizer.

    {Spray condenser} (Steam Engine), an injection condenser in
    which the steam is condensed by a spray of water which
    mingles with it.

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