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 sporting ['spɒ:tiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 喜好运动的, 运动用的, 冒险性的

    [ adj ]
    1. relating to or used in sports

    2. <adj.pert>
      sporting events
      sporting equipment
    3. exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play

    4. <adj.all>
      a clean fight
      a sporting solution of the disagreement
      sportsmanlike conduct
    5. involving risk or willingness to take a risk

    6. <adj.all>
      a sporting chance
      sporting blood
    7. preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance

    8. <adj.all>
      led a dissipated life
      a betting man
      a card-playing son of a bitch
      a gambling fool
      sporting gents and their ladies

    Sport \Sport\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sported}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To play; to frolic; to wanton.

    [Fish], sporting with quick glance,
    Show to the sun their waved coats dropt with gold.

    2. To practice the diversions of the field or the turf; to be
    given to betting, as upon races.

    3. To trifle. ``He sports with his own life.'' --Tillotson.

    4. (Bot. & Zo["o]l.) To assume suddenly a new and different
    character from the rest of the plant or from the type of
    the species; -- said of a bud, shoot, plant, or animal.
    See {Sport}, n., 6. --Darwin.

    Syn: To play; frolic; game; wanton.

    Sporting \Sport"ing\, a.
    Of, pertaining to, or engaging in, sport or sports;
    exhibiting the character or conduct of one who, or that
    which, sports.

    {Sporting book}, a book containing a record of bets, gambling
    operations, and the like. --C. Kingsley.

    {Sporting house}, a house frequented by sportsmen, gamblers,
    and the like.

    {Sporting man}, one who practices field sports; also, a horse
    racer, a pugilist, a gambler, or the like.

    {Sporting plant} (Bot.), a plant in which a single bud or
    offset suddenly assumes a new, and sometimes very
    different, character from that of the rest of the plant.

    1. The blurb suggests that the book 'is the extraordinary biography of one of the great sporting individuals of the 20th century.'
    2. White House press secretary Marlin Fitzwater said the move reflected no change in Bush's opposition to banning such guns but merely would enforce current law that allows for import of the guns only if they are for sporting purposes.
    3. The deal has been put together by Something of Consequence, a company which specialises in making sponsored performing arts programmes. The Ashes must be at the heart of one of the most romantic of sporting stories.
    4. "They are not quite in the spending mood," said Rad Cagle, an oil show director, sporting a Stetson hat and snake-skin boots.
    5. It is amusing to learn that he believed a train should always be given "a sporting chance" of getting away, but then we do not have to count on catching the train with him.
    6. Free entry to sporting and cultural events would end. The government would also invite Cubans to put their money on fixed deposit. The government is contemplating creation of a new currency.
    7. For starters, QB Tomczak does not go about off-field sporting spiked hair and wrap-around sunglasses like Jim McMahon, the man he replaced by virtue of the latter's late exile/trade for draft choices unknown to San Diego.
    8. He was also just 5 foot tall, his mother who worked in a greenhouse was only 4 feet 7 1/2 inches. Naim Suleimanov, to use the Bulgarian spelling of his name, was in some ways a classic product of East Bloc sporting culture.
    9. One of the bombs damaged the store's sporting goods department last week, while the other failed to go off because of a faulty detonator.
    10. School kids are covering the fashion end by sporting T-shirts with spiky Cyrillic letters.
    11. Rows of new F-50 turboprops fill two huge halls, sporting such logos as those for Philippine Airlines and Inter-Canadian on their tails.
    12. That action was taken by the Treasury Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which has control over firearms imports and requires that the weapons be suitable for sporting uses.
    13. Passengers could pay by the game to hear sporting events; other news and entertainment programs would be free through sponsors, the spokesman said.
    14. They want the firm to represent Soviet athletes and teams in gaining international endorsements, to manage international sporting events and to act as the go-between for deals with Western sports-equipment makers.
    15. One cast member, sporting a black beret festooned with tiny pink roses, resembles a prancing Che Guevara masquerading as Isadora Duncan.
    16. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which helps elect Democrats to the House, this year added the Preakness to the lineup of big sporting events for which it offers tickets in exchange for contributions.
    17. But instead the bad losers of the sporting press carried their whingeing on to the front pages.
    18. Occasionally, I go away from a sporting event wishing I had asked a question of one of the participants.
    19. One big change under the new law limits business-entertainment deductions for tickets to sporting events like the Super Bowl: Only 80% of the face value of such tickets can be deducted.
    20. The company sells through a wide variety of retailers, including western specialty stores, chain stores, department stores, clothing stores and sporting goods retailers.
    21. Figgie International is a holding company with interests in sporting and fire-protection equipment, electronics and real estate.
    22. Protesters hurled dynamite at two banks, an insurance company's offices and a sporting goods shop, police said.
    23. They then feel good about you, and the next time you or your sales rep calls you'll be received in front of the competition.' The cost of corporate hospitality at top sporting events can approach Ritz-bill proportions these days.
    24. Dressed in an Italian suit and sporting a stylish mustache, this 36-year-old research director at the Tokyo branch of McKinsey & Co., an international management consulting firm, practices what he preaches.
    25. This is represented by Cyril Cusack and assorted worthies sporting cloth caps, potato-dust faces and singsong accents. The opening half hour, it must be admitted, has a winning dottiness.
    26. The two White House contenders, in a day filled with sports metaphors _ and even a sporting event _ hinted Wednesday at their strategy for their face-to-face confrontation.
    27. For instance, K mart is opening big food and general merchandise stores, called hypermarkets, and warehouse-type stores specializing in office products and sporting goods.
    28. The fall was attributed to difficult trading conditions and the same factor was blamed by Campari, the sporting leisure wear group, which in May made its second profits warning in less than two months, and by Jeyes, the cleaning products group.
    29. It is the high success rates that lead some to say that hunting the exotics isn't sporting.
    30. LITTLE in one's sporting life can prepare the Anglo-Saxon reporter for the confusion - and impact - of pelota.
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