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 spoilage ['spɔɪlɪdʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 变质, 糟蹋, 损耗, 损坏

[经] (原料,材料,产品)损坏

    [ noun ]
    1. the amount that has spoiled

    2. <noun.quantity>
    3. the process of becoming spoiled

    4. <noun.process>
    5. the act of spoiling something by causing damage to it

    6. <noun.act>
      her spoiling my dress was deliberate

    1. Also, an estimated 25 million tons will be lost to spoilage and other post-harvest causes.
    2. Conventional refrigerated foods like milk or butter typically show signs of spoilage, and their processing is geared toward eliminating bacteria through techniques such as pasteurizing.
    3. At the same time, some states, such as Illinois, are tightening storage rules this year to avoid the spoilage problems of last fall, when some corn piled outside rotted on the ground.
    4. The FDA already has authorized limited uses of irradiation to inhibit sprouting in potatoes, retard spoilage in produce, and control insects in herbs, spices, grains and other foods.
    5. Check refrigerated food for spoilage if the power has been off.
    6. But once the beer comes out of the box it's susceptible to spoilage, Zastrow said.
    7. Fresh sandwiches and produce will introduce significant new spoilage costs.
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