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 spelled [spɛl添加此单词到默认生词本

    Spell \Spell\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spelled}or {Spelt}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Spelling}.] [OE. spellen, spellien, tell, relate, AS.
    spellian, fr. spell a saying, tale; akin to MHG. spellen to
    relate, Goth. spill?n.e {Spell} a tale. In sense 4 and those
    following, OE. spellen, perhaps originally a different word,
    and from or influenced by spell a splinter, from the use of a
    piece of wood to point to the letters in schools: cf. D.
    spellen to spell. Cf. {Spell} splinter.]
    1. To tell; to relate; to teach. [Obs.]

    Might I that legend find,
    By fairies spelt in mystic rhymes. --T. Warton.

    2. To put under the influence of a spell; to affect by a
    spell; to bewitch; to fascinate; to charm. ``Spelled with
    words of power.'' --Dryden.

    He was much spelled with Eleanor Talbot. --Sir G.

    3. To constitute; to measure. [Obs.]

    The Saxon heptarchy, when seven kings put together
    did spell but one in effect. --Fuller.

    4. To tell or name in their proper order letters of, as a
    word; to write or print in order the letters of, esp. the
    proper letters; to form, as words, by correct orthography.

    The word ``satire'' ought to be spelled with i, and
    not with y. --Dryden.

    5. To discover by characters or marks; to read with
    difficulty; -- usually with out; as, to spell out the
    sense of an author; to spell out a verse in the Bible.

    To spell out a God in the works of creation.

    To sit spelling and observing divine justice upon
    every accident. --Milton.

    Spell \Spell\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spelled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Spelling}.] [AS. spelian to supply another's place.]
    To supply the place of for a time; to take the turn of, at
    work; to relieve; as, to spell the helmsman.

    1. The results are spelled out in a 200-plus page report with attached charts and graphs that is supplied to Power's carmaker clients, who pay tens of thousands of dollars for the information.
    2. Mary Rosevear, a zoo official, said the money is expected this fall and will be used to build new ape houses and refurbish others. "She spelled out what she wanted," said Mrs. Rosevear.
    3. In the memos, Owen spelled out for his boss a wealth of detail about the private Contra supply network overseen by North.
    4. Warsaw Pact allies of the Soviet Union demonstrate markedly different degrees of commitment to the human rights protections spelled out in the Vienna accord.
    5. The rights of poor criminal defendants to legal representation were spelled out in a number of Supreme Court rulings beginning in 1932.
    6. Col. Jan Dalby, an Air Force spokesman, said the Air Force withdrew its plans after determining the criteria to identify units targeted for closure or consolidation had not been spelled out to the schools involved.
    7. Details of how the inspections are to be conducted are spelled out in great detail by the INF treaty, Pease noted.
    8. Adjusting for one-time items, the latest results spelled a more impressive turnaround than the figures suggested.
    9. It divides the image into different layers, which in Europa we exaggerated by using colour and black-and-white. When we wrote the script we spelled it out in terms of 'close-ups', 'long shots' and so on.
    10. They have said they need to see more detail on enterprise bargaining before making a decision. 'We are going to be looking at chapter and verse of how the non-union arrangements are arrived at and none of that detail has yet been spelled out.
    11. But during that same month, President Francois Mitterrand spelled out France's new attitude at a Franco-African summit.
    12. It is based on how the language was spelled in medieval literature and draws from the many Cornish words that oldtimers from West Cornwall mixed into their English conversation and from the huge numbers of Cornish place names that still exist.
    13. Bergsten said that a more formal agreement, perhaps under the auspices of the United Nations, may evolve from the current conflict with the expected contribution from each country spelled out more clearly in advance of any conflict.
    14. Besides offering the comfort of "having it spelled out in a document," and the freedom to communicate despite time differences, faxing promotes a "much more direct" exchange, says Craig Murphy, a professor of political science at Wellesley College.
    15. "Corporate responsibility must be spelled out to the letter; it cannot be assumed.
    16. The Soviet government has offered to pay compensation to the victim's family in an apparently unprecedented gesture by the Kremlin, but has not yet spelled out details of the payment.
    17. The banks' demands were spelled out in a 10-page confidential proposal Tuesday, the newspaper said.
    18. Critics want it spelled out that such crimes as murder or possessing weapons cannot be deemed political.
    19. Ange chalenged to the president's ability to send troops to the Middle East without either notifying Congress under the 1973 War Powers Act or obtaining a declaration of war as spelled out in the Constitution.
    20. The seven-member squad, clad in blue and orange uniforms with big letters across the front that together spelled out "Wal-Mart," took the stage Friday at Walton's request.
    21. Marshall Field V, president of the board of trustees, spelled out the new policy in a letter to board members.
    22. Those seemingly contradictory conclusions were spelled out Monday in the case of Daniel Holland, a Chicago-area white man sentenced to 85 years in prison for rape, kidnapping and armed robbery.
    23. Viking Penguin bought the manuscript and in January released "Caverns," by O.U. Levon, taken from UO Novel spelled backwards.
    24. Vice President George Bush, stumping through this key industrial state, today spelled out the steps he would take to achieve his long-stated goal of a worldwide ban on biological and chemical warfare.
    25. Meantime, Kathleen is trying to adhere to the Navy's rules on pregnancy, which are spelled out in a 35-page manual called "Management of Pregnant Servicewomen."
    26. During booking, Mancusi's name was spelled incorrectly on jail records, leaving him in limbo behind bars when relatives tried to bail him out because there was no record of him under the correct spelling.
    27. Though Algeria's exact role never has been spelled out, French officials thanked the nation publicly after French hostages were released by pro-Iranian groups in Lebanon in 1987-1988.
    28. In 1986, he bought control of a then-money-losing flowers-by-phone company whose major asset was an 800 telephone number that spelled f-l-o-w-e-r-s.
    29. In his proposed changes to the fiscal 1990 budget that former President Reagan submitted, Bush indicated he will seek specific dates for reductions of certain emissions, although the timetable was not spelled out.
    30. But Cuba comes out stronger than most other countries on certain other rights spelled out in the document.
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