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 specter ['spektә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 幽灵, 妖怪, 凶兆

    [ noun ]
    1. a mental representation of some haunting experience

    2. <noun.cognition>
      he looked like he had seen a ghost
      it aroused specters from his past
    3. a ghostly appearing figure

    4. <noun.person>
      we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us

    Specter \Spec"ter\, Spectre \Spec"tre\, n. [F. spectre, fr. L.
    spectrum an appearance, image, specter, fr. specere to look.
    See {Spy}, and cf. {Spectrum}.]
    1. Something preternaturally visible; an apparition; a ghost;
    a phantom.

    The ghosts of traitors from the bridge descend,
    With bold fanatic specters to rejoice. --Dryden.

    2. (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) The tarsius.
    (b) A stick insect.

    {Specter bat} (Zo["o]l.), any phyllostome bat.

    {Specter candle} (Zo["o]l.), a belemnite.

    {Specter shrimp} (Zo["o]l.), a skeleton shrimp. See under

    1. While some presidents followed Washington's precedent, and some state governors did as well, President Lincoln _ despite being faced with the dark specter of civil war _ renewed the practice of proclaiming a national day of Thanksgiving.
    2. Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III testified at Oliver North's trial Tuesday that the specter of impeachment hung over the White House in the 72 hours after aides discovered a planned diversion of Iran arms sale money to the Nicaraguan Contras.
    3. Calling the October stock market crash "a specter that hangs over the system," Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman David Ruder said he isn't confident that Washington has responded adequately to the events of October.
    4. "Against that, you've got the specter of yen rates coming down." In major market action: Stock prices rose modestly in active trading.
    5. Boren and Cohen of wimping out, and they will warn that the lawmakers' concessions raise the specter of more internationally embarrassing covert operations like the mining of Nicaraguan harbors and the Iran arms sales.
    6. It also is highly derivative of other scare movies, even down to the Norman Bates shower scene (in this case, the specter of death is a spider).
    7. Bank Negara itself raised the specter of a runaway current-account deficit in its annual economic report, released in April.
    8. What frightens the Europeans is the specter of even more Turks crossing over the borders in search of work.
    9. Blacks armed with knives went on a rampage Tuesday and stabbed eight whites, raising the specter of new racial violence, authorities said.
    10. We're not going to go away as long as the specter of a nuclear disaster lingers."
    11. But with the specter of massive automatic spending cuts taking effect Oct. 1 unless a deal is reached, Bush will have to decide whether to moderate the fiery rhetoric in order to get a deal.
    12. But there is grim humor in the specter of regulators and business squaring off over how to make Logan livable.
    13. It was James A. Baker III, then the White House chief of staff, later Reagan's secretary of the treasury, now Bush's secretary of state, who raised the specter of impeachment.
    14. Thousands of boaters use the lake each summer, so the possibility of a collision with a "floating ordnance" raised the specter of an environmental impact of considerable consequence, says Dee Hansen, director of the Utah Department of Natural Resources.
    15. Of course, the specter of Marxist thought will continue to be cast east and west.
    16. Now investors must contend with the specter of higher oil prices.
    17. One man was convicted in the well-known case, but reports about Tucker raised the specter that others also knew in advance about the racially motivated bombing.
    18. Though it has shored up that debt exposure with massive reserves, Lloyds, along with its British counterparts, has found another specter looming.
    19. The specter of invasion remains a common bogy in both countries and a handy diversion from domestic problems.
    20. While an election isn't likely for at least two years, the NDP's strong showing raises the specter of a lurch to the left in Canada's affairs and a deterioration in relations with the U.S., even threatening its security.
    21. The dollar's sharp rise this week has become an increasingly central concern as it raises the specter of inflation and higher interest rates.
    22. Although Bush raised the specter of Social Security checks being delayed, the Social Security Administration says there is no chance of that happening immediately.
    23. The specter of federal agencies having no funds to operate arose after the House early Friday resoundingly defeated a budget agreeent worked out by Bush and congressional leaders.
    24. The agency said it was prompted, too, by the specter of a large short-term debt exposure of $4.1 billion, due at the end of the fiscal year.
    25. Of the nine runway configurations it can use, seven entail intersecting runways, raising the specter of on-ground collisions.
    26. But now, "the specter of new credibility for the war option has emerged." Both King Hussein of Jordan and Yasser Arafat, the Palestine Liberation Organization chairman, are strong supporters of the Iraqi leader.
    27. Mikhail S. Gorbachev's hurried return to his earthquake-stricken nation avoids the specter of pictures of the Soviet president on a lighthearted sightseeing tour while thousands of his countrymen lay dead.
    28. And this time, there are two new factors working in the activists' favor: the specter of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident in the Soviet Union and worries that the federal government may set up a high-level nuclear waste dump in Maine.
    29. That in turn weakens healthy competitors by forcing them to raise their deposit rates, raising the specter of additional failures.
    30. In Washington today, top finance officers from the world's seven richest industrial democracies met to seek ways to stave off the specter of world recession as a result of soaring oil prices sparked by the gulf conflict.
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