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 speaker ['spikɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 说话人, 讲演者, 发言人, 喇叭, 扬声器

[计] 扬声器

    [ noun ]
    1. someone who expresses in language; someone who talks (especially someone who delivers a public speech or someone especially garrulous)

    2. <noun.person>
      the speaker at commencement
      an utterer of useful maxims
    3. electro-acoustic transducer that converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance

    4. <noun.artifact>
    5. the presiding officer of a deliberative assembly

    6. <noun.person>
      the leader of the majority party is the Speaker of the House of Representatives

    Speaker \Speak"er\, n.
    1. One who speaks. Specifically:
    (a) One who utters or pronounces a discourse; usually, one
    who utters a speech in public; as, the man is a good
    speaker, or a bad speaker.
    (b) One who is the mouthpiece of others; especially, one
    who presides over, or speaks for, a delibrative
    assembly, preserving order and regulating the debates;
    as, the Speaker of the House of Commons, originally,
    the mouthpiece of the House to address the king; the
    Speaker of a House of Representatives.

    2. A book of selections for declamation. [U. S.]

    1. He also accused his old friend and former Parliament speaker Anatoly Lukyanov of betraying him during the attempted coup.
    2. Many Democratic lawmakers fear that Rep. Wright's actions are politically foolish, and GOP sources said the speaker's rhetoric is causing a stiffening in the White House attitude toward taxes.
    3. Today, a lot of children across America struggle with problems. With a little help from a good school or a great teacher, today's stuttering child could be tomorrow's keynote speaker _ today's potential dropout could become tomorrow's Thomas Edison.
    4. Akbulut, a lawyer, was elected to Parliament in 1983 and became speaker in 1987.
    5. As influential as he is heading one of the House's most prestigious committees, he still regrets turning down the job of Democratic whip in 1981; that post then went to Rep. Thomas Foley of Washington, who since has risen to speaker.
    6. When Gingrich attacked Democrats as blind to communism, Thomas P. O'Neill Jr., then the speaker, took offense.
    7. They expressed relief that the ethics panel has set aside three of the original six charges against the speaker.
    8. Rafsanjani, 55, who also is the armed forces commander-in-chief, has served as speaker for the past eight years.
    9. Loftus, Assembly speaker since 1983, announced his candidacy at Sun Prairie High School, where he graduated in 1963.
    10. Another name-reader at Parliament was Lithuanian-born Parliament speaker Dov Shilansky, a survivor of Dachau concentration camp in Germany, who lost aunts, uncles and grandparents to the Nazis.
    11. He praises Foley as a "remarkably fair" House speaker and says of Rep. Frank, "give the guy his day in court."
    12. The populist speaker polled 1.3 million votes in last year's parliamentary elections, the highest single tally in the ballot.
    13. Still, the speaker works at getting colleagues to accept his hands-on management.
    14. Jeffrey Harris and Peter White, who served as his deputy counsels, are especially skeptical that the committee can properly investigate the speaker.
    15. However, another top leadership aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity, pointed out that the speaker's survey could compound the political problem if the results are at odds with those from media surveys.
    16. The speaker had said, "Ladies and urinals." "Every person has a sense of humor," Ljungdahl said. "Every child laughs.
    17. It merely advised Republican congressmen to say that the next speaker "must address the very real need for reform in the House."
    18. Even as Wright nominated Rep. Tom Foley of Washington as speaker in a somber speech on the House floor, workers were trundling his possessions out of the speaker's ceremonial office on canvas-covered carts.
    19. Even as Wright nominated Rep. Tom Foley of Washington as speaker in a somber speech on the House floor, workers were trundling his possessions out of the speaker's ceremonial office on canvas-covered carts.
    20. Though Mr. Cairo's firsthand dunning experience is confined to a 14-month stint as a radio-station manager, he is now an all-purpose motivational speaker, giving him the kind of brassy self-assurance so vital to collecting by telephone.
    21. WASHINGTON _ William Seidman, chairman of FDIC and Resolution Trust Corp., is luncheon speaker at National Press Club.
    22. The speech followed a vote in which the caucus elected the 63-year-old Mr. Wright speaker starting in January, when the 100th Congress is scheduled to convene.
    23. Mallightco was owned by Wright, his wife, Betty, their partner George Mallick, and Mallick's wife _ until the speaker pulled out of the partnership last year.
    24. Manderino had just completed his first year as speaker after serving previously as Democratic leader.
    25. In the village of Ab-Dar in Zanjan, televison showed mountains of rubble, and a speaker said it was all that was left of apartment buildings.
    26. "How can we win elections in May when Department Six (the secret police) still exists and the mass media are still under dictatorship?" asked Ljubomir Sobajiev, another UDF speaker.
    27. A meeting of congressional leaders was hastily convened on Sept. 15 in one of the House speaker's rooms.
    28. And no speaker in decades has had the same devotion to international affairs.
    29. An unwritten national covenant calls for Lebanon's president to be a Christian, the prime minister a Sunni Moslem and the speaker of Parliament a Shiite Moslem.
    30. The 60-year-old Democrat from Washington was recently elected speaker of the House.
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