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 spare [spєә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 剩余, 备用品, 备件, 备用零件, 备用轮胎

a. 多余的, 备用的, 空闲的, 节约的, 瘦的

vi. 节约, 省掉, 宽恕

vt. 节约, 省用, 剩下, 饶恕, 赦免

[化] 备品

[经] 节约, 吝惜; 多余的; 免去

    [ noun ]
    1. an extra component of a machine or other apparatus

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle

    4. <noun.artifact>
    5. a score in tenpins; knocking down all ten after rolling two balls

    6. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. refrain from harming

    2. <verb.social> save
    3. save or relieve from an experience or action

    4. <verb.social>
      I'll spare you from having to apologize formally
    5. give up what is not strictly needed

    6. <verb.possession>
      dispense with give up part with
      he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey
    7. use frugally or carefully

    8. <verb.consumption>
    [ adj ]
    1. thin and fit

    2. <adj.all>
      the spare figure of a marathon runner
      a body kept trim by exercise
    3. more than is needed, desired, or required

    4. <adj.all>
      trying to lose excess weight
      found some extra change lying on the dresser
      yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant
      skills made redundant by technological advance
      sleeping in the spare room
      supernumerary ornamentation
      it was supererogatory of her to gloat
      delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words
      extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts
      surplus cheese distributed to the needy
    5. not taken up by scheduled activities

    6. <adj.all>
      a free hour between classes
      spare time on my hands
    7. kept in reserve especially for emergency use

    8. <adj.all>
      a reserve supply of food
      a spare tire
      spare parts
    9. lacking in amplitude or quantity

    10. <adj.all>
      a bare livelihood
      a scanty harvest
      a spare diet
    11. lacking embellishment or ornamentation

    12. <adj.all>
      a plain hair style
      unembellished white walls
      functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete

    Spare \Spare\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spared}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Sparing}.] [AS. sparian, fr. sp[ae]r spare, sparing, saving;
    akin to D. & G. sparen, OHG. spar?n, Icel. & Sw. spara, Dan.
    spare See {Spare}, a.]
    1. To use frugally or stintingly, as that which is scarce or
    valuable; to retain or keep unused; to save. ``No cost
    would he spare.'' --Chaucer.

    [Thou] thy Father's dreadful thunder didst not
    spare. --Milton.

    He that hath knowledge, spareth his words. --Prov.
    xvii. 27.

    2. To keep to one's self; to forbear to impart or give.

    Be pleased your plitics to spare. --Dryden.

    Spare my sight the pain
    Of seeing what a world of tears it costs you.

    3. To preserve from danger or punishment; to forbear to
    punish, injure, or harm; to show mercy to.

    Spare us, good Lord. --Book of
    Common Prayer.

    Dim sadness did not spare
    That time celestial visages. --Milton.

    Man alone can whom he conquers spare. --Waller.

    4. To save or gain, as by frugality; to reserve, as from some
    occupation, use, or duty.

    All the time he could spare from the necessary cares
    of his weighty charge, he ?estowed on . . . serving
    of God. --Knolles.

    5. To deprive one's self of, as by being frugal; to do
    without; to dispense with; to give up; to part with.

    Where angry Jove did never spare
    One breath of kind and temperate air. --Roscommon.

    I could have better spared a better man. --Shak.

    {To spare one's self}.
    (a) To act with reserve. [Obs.]

    Her thought that a lady should her spare.
    (b) To save one's self labor, punishment, or blame.

    Spare \Spare\, a. [Compar. {Sparer}; superl. {Sparest}; -- not
    used in all the senses of the word.] [AS. sp[ae]r sparing.
    Cf. {Spare}, v. t. ]
    1. Scanty; not abundant or plentiful; as, a spare diet.

    2. Sparing; frugal; parsimonious; chary.

    He was spare, but discreet of speech. --Carew.

    3. Being over and above what is necessary, or what must be
    used or reserved; not wanted, or not used; superfluous;
    as, I have no spare time.

    If that no spare clothes he had to give. --Spenser.

    4. Held in reserve, to be used in an emergency; as, a spare
    anchor; a spare bed or room.

    5. Lean; wanting flesh; meager; thin; gaunt.

    O, give me the spare men, and spare me the great
    ones. --Shak.

    6. Slow. [Obs. or prov. Eng.] --Grose.

    Spare \Spare\, n.
    1. The act of sparing; moderation; restraint. [Obs.]

    Killing for sacrifice, without any spare. --Holland.

    2. Parsimony; frugal use. [Obs.] --Bacon.

    Poured out their plenty without spite or spare.

    3. An opening in a petticoat or gown; a placket. [Obs.]

    4. That which has not been used or expended.

    5. (Tenpins) The right of bowling again at a full set of
    pins, after having knocked all the pins down in less than
    three bowls. If all the pins are knocked down in one bowl
    it is a double spare; in two bowls, a single spare. For
    the meaning in modern bowling, see sense 6.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    6. (Bowling) The act of knocking down all ten pins in two
    bowls, which entitles the bowler to add the number of pins
    knocked down in the next bowl to the score for the frame
    in which the spare occurred.

    Spare \Spare\, v. i.
    1. To be frugal; not to be profuse; to live frugally; to be

    I, who at some times spend, at others spare,
    Divided between carelessness and care. --Pope.

    2. To refrain from inflicting harm; to use mercy or

    He will not spare in the day of vengeance. --Prov.
    vi. 34.

    3. To desist; to stop; to refrain. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    1. Secondly, there was no desk to spare in the whole office and one had to be bought.
    2. The first of two U.S. cargo planes to be delivered to the Colombian government landed Saturday at Howard Air Force Base in Panama loaded with spare parts.
    3. But then I had to leave, and I made my way through the fighting until I was able to reach my mother's house." A Red Cross spokesman said many people were donating food to the refugees _ "as much as they can spare."
    4. Then they spent $1 million in seven days, and got the job done with less than 24 hours to spare.
    5. The drivers of "jeepneys," privately owned passenger vehicles operated through government franchises, are demanding lower prices for spare parts and the suspension of a state-ordered reduction in fares.
    6. While public centers struggle, privately operated treatment facilities have beds to spare.
    7. Rep. Bill Nichols, D-Ala., who had led the congressional investigation into high-priced Pentagon spare parts, suffered a heart attack at his desk today and was pronounced dead a short time later.
    8. After graduation, responsibility for the sign fell to whichever classmate had a spare wall or decent storage space.
    9. The $500 million value placed on the transaction by the manufacturer includes spare parts and training for the crews of the airline, one of two which flies overseas from the People's Republic of China.
    10. Everybody concentrates on the military aspects and forgets that in his spare time he devised the whole of the civil code in France.
    11. Singapore also provides much-needed facilities to handle spare parts, store other materials and support Air Force fighters and cargo planes.
    12. The Korean Air order also included two 747 freighters and one combination freight-passenger plane, bringing the total of the firm orders for aircraft and associated spare parts to about $1.5 billion.
    13. Finding qualified managers is the biggest concern of small U.S. companies, which usually can't spare managers from the home office.
    14. List said he shot his victims in the back of the head to spare them knowledge that they were about to die, Mrs. Clark told the court, but she reminded the juors of autopsy reports that showed the bullets entered the side of the heads.
    15. House Democrats say their proposed cuts spare conventional weapons, such as fighter jets, that are most useful in regional crises.
    16. The judge could give lesser time or spare Mrs. Helmsley from prison altogether by sentencing her to probation or community service.
    17. 'I only wish there was some way I could spare Nancy from this painful experience,' he said.
    18. At the very least, I prayed my notebook would spare me from any audience-participation stunts.
    19. For instance, Brussels aims to loosen manufacturers' monopoly over spare parts and to reduce obstacles to cross-border car purchases, repeatedly blamed by consumers' organisations for creating gaping differences in car prices across the EU.
    20. Hollinger said the new company will continue to print the northern editions of the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph newspapers, and spare capacity will be used to print News International's Sun and News of the World.
    21. In design, Denmark itself has a strong identity - a spare, practical style that we see in furniture, tableware and Bang and Olufsen hi-fi.
    22. He is far more interested in Moscow's black market: the illicit trade in Marlboros, porn videos, spare parts, you name it, that is conducted nightly at various unspecified locations along the city's ring road.
    23. In his spare time he runs a gold mine. Zirknitzer is one of many Europeans in the mountains of Victoria and New South Wales.
    24. Profumo denied in Parliament that he had slept with Ms. Keeler. In the face of growing evidence, however, he later admitted he lied to spare his wife, actress Valerie Hobson.
    25. There are a number of exceptions, such as for spare parts.
    26. It spent $825 million on aircraft, spare parts and engines.
    27. If I can spare somebody from going through what I went through, I'll gladly do that." The entertainer said she is cultivating a quiet, reflective side of her personality.
    28. The Central Intelligence Agency already reports shortages in Iraq's military spare parts.
    29. Her tatty little shift, the bare plank floor, the spare furniture are all blatantly real.
    30. Assuming there are no congressional objections, the Defense Department said it would sell the three copters along with support equipment, spare parts and pilot training services for $26 million.
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