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 spandex ['spæn`dɛks]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 弹力纤维

    [ noun ]
    an elastic synthetic fabric

    Spandex \Span"dex\, prop. n.
    An elastic textile material, used for clothing [Trade name]

    1. Faster growing specialty products range from Lycra spandex to flame retardant Nomex and Kevlar, a high strength fiber used in tires, bullet-proof vests and U.S. Army infantry helmets.
    2. Du Pont controls more than half the spandex market worldwide and sold more than $600 million of the product in 1988.
    3. The defense claimed Skerianz had not attempted extortion because he and his cohorts had planned to manufacture spandex for Radicci, an Italian textile manufacturer.
    4. I remember being unhappy whenever the makeup came off. I was me again." Sports Illustrated didn't invent the concept that covergirls in skin-tight spandex make newsstand sales sizzle.
    5. Four former Du Pont Co. employees were arrested in Switzerland and a fifth remained at large after an alleged attempt to extort $10 million from the chemical giant in exchange for documents on the production of spandex fiber, authorities said.
    6. Since the original Lycra patent lapsed long ago, look-alike spandex fibers are being marketed by several European and Asian competitors, such as Imperial Chemical Industries PLC of Britain.
    7. This week, Michelob also dropped the sultry women in spandex from its advertising.
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