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 sounding ['saʊndɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 发出声音的, 响亮的, 夸大的, 听上去堂皇的, 夸张的

n. 测深, 水深测量, 探空, 试探, 调查, 搜集意见

[医] 探通术

    [ noun ]
    1. a measure of the depth of water taken with a sounding line

    2. <noun.attribute>
    3. the act of measuring depth of water (usually with a sounding line)

    4. <noun.act>
    [ adj ]
    1. appearing to be as specified; usually used as combining forms

    2. <adj.all>
      left their clothes dirty looking
      a most disagreeable looking character
      severe-looking policemen on noble horses
      fine-sounding phrases
      taken in by high-sounding talk
    3. having volume or deepness

    4. <adj.all>
      sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal
      the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion
    5. making or having a sound as specified; used as a combining form

    6. <adj.all>

    Sound \Sound\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sounded}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Sounding}.] [F. sonder; cf. AS. sundgyrd a sounding rod,
    sundline a sounding line (see {Sound} a narrow passage of
    1. To measure the depth of; to fathom; especially, to
    ascertain the depth of by means of a line and plummet.

    2. Fig.: To ascertain, or try to ascertain, the thoughts,
    motives, and purposes of (a person); to examine; to try;
    to test; to probe.

    I was in jest,
    And by that offer meant to sound your breast.

    I've sounded my Numidians man by man. --Addison.

    3. (Med.) To explore, as the bladder or urethra, with a
    sound; to examine with a sound; also, to examine by
    auscultation or percussion; as, to sound a patient.

    Sounding \Sound"ing\, a.
    Making or emitting sound; hence, sonorous; as, sounding
    words. --Dryden.

    Sounding \Sound"ing\, n.
    1. The act of one who, or that which, sounds (in any of the
    senses of the several verbs).

    2. (Naut.) [From {Sound} to fathom.]
    (a) measurement by sounding; also, the depth so
    (b) Any place or part of the ocean, or other water, where
    a sounding line will reach the bottom; -- usually in
    the plural.
    (c) The sand, shells, or the like, that are brought up by
    the sounding lead when it has touched bottom.

    {Sounding lead}, the plummet at the end of a sounding line.

    {Sounding line}, a line having a plummet at the end, used in
    making soundings.

    {Sounding post} (Mus.), a small post in a violin,
    violoncello, or similar instrument, set under the bridge
    as a support, for propagating the sounds to the body of
    the instrument; -- called also {sound post}.

    {Sounding rod} (Naut.), a rod used to ascertain the depth of
    water in a ship's hold.

    {In soundings}, within the eighty-fathom line. --Ham. Nav.

    1. Perhaps Columbus, had been right, after all. I took my leave of the finest green refuge on New York City's outskirts: the evening bell was sounding and somebody was driving a car along the lower terrace to remind us that highway morals rule.
    2. "That would be a classic race," he said, while not sounding optimistic that it will take place.
    3. Svend Jakobsen, the neutral mediator charged with sounding out eight parties on a national program, said he could not bring enough parties together to form a stable government and was giving up his task.
    4. Now, Alan Greenspan, the Fed's chairman, is sounding warnings about the possibility that growth at too strong a pace could revive inflationary pressures.
    5. Twelve-page pink pamphlets are being handed out on street corners across the country, sounding frightening alarms in bold-face type about Ritalin, a prescription drug used for three decades to calm hyperactive children.
    6. If you have, there is plenty on offer that is reasonably priced without sounding tacky. Never one to leave its rooms empty if it can help it, Hilton International has been wracking its corporate brain for intriguingly cheap offers. Birdwatching weekends?
    7. "All Citibank has been doing is sounding out various financial institutions to determine the acceptability of various changes from the original offer," the statement said.
    8. Her column survived for another 18 years, but Thompson's greatest days were clearly spent sounding the alarms about impending war and the dangers of Nazi ideology.
    9. Renault's marketing director Jose Dedeurwaerder said that the French group is sounding out a number of potential suppliers in Brazil.
    10. A Daiwa official denied that there was pre-placement in Europe Wednesday and said the Japanese firm only had been "sounding" out the market.
    11. As a result, even the mighty Deutsche Bank, which once took the lead in arranging credits for the Soviet Union, has begun sounding the alarm.
    12. Baritone Bernd Weikl fared better as the Dyer, sounding serious and solid but warm.
    13. "Weakness in retail sales is sounding an alarm that the Fed can't afford to ignore," he says.
    14. It is perhaps just as well that Mr Donald Gordon, chairman of Capital & Counties, has been sounding off against open market property valuations for so long.
    15. They hand parts around with regularity, and the most astounding thing about any performance is the beauty and precision of the choral work, sounding sometimes like the pounding surf, at other times like rustling reeds.
    16. This is meant, I think, as a satiric comment on the American dream gone berserk, but it ends up sounding trite and mildly didactic.
    17. The most credible sounding tipsters are interviewed by detectives.
    18. Meanwhile, Havel himself began sounding more like a national leader than a member of the opposition.
    19. He has served as a sounding board for Mr. Bauer, Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop and other Reagan administration officials.
    20. The arrival of Amtrak's Texas Eagle, wheels clicking and whistle sounding, marked the return of passenger service between Dallas and Houston after more than 30 years and put the "station" back in this city's name.
    21. You're committed to sounding just like the record, otherwise people are disappointed," Pupo said. "All the bands I've ever liked have the same basic formula.
    22. Shevardnadze, sounding vaguely like the American officials of the 1970s, tried to put the best face on what had happened.
    23. Mr. Corrigan's proposal for keeping out the commercial/industrial firms ends up sounding like a plan to protect inefficient banks.
    24. Iraq warned Thursday of possible terrorist attacks against U.S. forces, sounding the theme of Arab feelings wounded by the presence of non-Moslem soldiers massed in the holy lands of Saudi Arabia.
    25. "I thought it was the silliest sounding song I had ever heard talk of," she said, acknowledging now that the record's success got her career rolling.
    26. "It's up to us to decide how it works," he says, sounding a bit like Charles Bronson.
    27. Mr. Greenspan, sounding a characteristically cautious note, said that economic recovery still remains a "forecast," rather than a reality.
    28. The garage-band sound is matched with lyrics that have this child of the '60s sounding nostalgic. "There's a mansion on the hill," Young sings. "Psychedelic music fills the air.
    29. The sounding of 1,200 adult Israeli Jews was conducted by the Smith Research Center for the Jerusalem Report, a weekly news magazine.
    30. He adds that ATR is sounding out other aerospace companies, and that British Aerospace would closely fit the identikit of an ideal partner. Although Alenia puts the spotlight on the ATR programme, mundane business counts for more in money terms.
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