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 solitude ['sɒlitju:d]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 孤独, 单独, 孤寂

    [ noun ]
    1. a state of social isolation

    2. <noun.state>
    3. the state or situation of being alone

    4. <noun.state>
    5. a solitary place

    6. <noun.location>

    Solitude \Sol"i*tude\, n. [F., from L. solitudo, solus alone.
    See {Sole}, a.]
    1. state of being alone, or withdrawn from society; a lonely
    life; loneliness.

    Whosoever is delighted with solitude is either a
    wild beast or a god. --Bacon.

    O Solitude! where are the charms
    That sages have seen in thy face? --Cowper.

    2. Remoteness from society; destitution of company;
    seclusion; -- said of places; as, the solitude of a wood.

    The solitude of his little parish is become matter
    of great comfort to him. --Law.

    3. solitary or lonely place; a desert or wilderness.

    In these deep solitudes and awful cells
    Where heavenly pensive contemplation dwells. --Pope.

    Syn: Syn. Loneliness; soitariness; loneness; retiredness;
    recluseness. -- {Solitude}, {Retirement}, {Seclusion},

    Usage: Retirement is a withdrawal from general society,
    implying that a person has been engaged in its scenes.
    Solitude describes the fact that a person is alone;
    seclusion, that he is shut out from others, usually by
    his own choice; loneliness, that he feels the pain and
    oppression of being alone. Hence, retirement is
    opposed to a gay, active, or public life; solitude, to
    society; seclusion, to freedom of access on the part
    of others; and loneliness, enjoyment of that society
    which the heart demands.

    O blest retirement, friend to life's decline.

    Such only can enjoy the country who are capable
    of thinking when they are there; then they are
    prepared for solitude; and in that [the country]
    solitude is prepared for them. --Dryden.

    It is a place of seclusion from the external
    world. --Bp. Horsley.

    These evils . . . seem likely to reduce it [a
    city] ere long to the loneliness and the
    insignificance of a village. --Eustace.

    1. "I love hiking with my wife, but I've found that I also need time alone with the wilderness," he says, because "the solitude and closeness with the earth is much more intense." But long walks aren't as free as they used to be.
    2. Staley, a self-employed accountant, said he moved his family out of the city about 10 years ago because he loves solitude and the rural lifestyle.
    3. I tried to keep this black centre going.' I asked about one more Verdi heroine, the poignant Leonora in The Force of Destiny, never free from the conflict between love and her family's opposition even after years in solitude.
    4. "Now is the time for me to leave the stage of history, the time to be released from the bondage of public life, the time to be free from the oppressive solitude of the executive office," he said in a farewell address Wednesday night.
    5. There is solitude out there.
    6. Mr. Mays describes the area of lofty, jagged peaks, alpine meadows and lakes as one of the few places in America where solitude and an unchanged land can still be experienced.
    7. With the burden of a sheep thrown over his shoulder, a sculpture of a Basque shepherder stands against the solitude of a grassy knoll in western Nevada.
    8. Otherwise, the socialization of Colossus, who had lived in solitude at a zoo in New Hampshire for most of his life, has gone well, Quinn said.
    9. Seventeen rustic shacks on the outer dunes of Cape Cod could still be ripped down even though the huts, which provided soul-searching solitude to Eugene O'Neill, Jack Kerouac and scores of other creative minds, have won national historic designation.
    10. When they talk of privacy, most of those opposed to the judge do not have in mind modesty or solitude or even marital privacy.
    11. The Carmelite order teaches solitude and prayer with a strict adherence to separation from the outside world.
    12. Mass murderer R. Gene Simmons wants to end his life in quiet solitude, officials say, the way he has lived his last days on death row _shunning the family of those he killed who are desperate to learn why.
    13. The Robertsons, who left urban pressures behind 14 years ago for the solitude of rural Mendocino County, are living out their dreams with tiny but highly regarded Yolla Bolly Press.
    14. He has no hobbies but occasionally plays golf alone because he enjoys solitude, associates say.
    15. The pope said drug abuse is a "clear symptom of a society that no longer succeeds in living true values and pushes those who use (drugs) into egoism and solitude." "In this climate, the goals to pursue become money, power, career, consumer goods.
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