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 snap riveting 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Snap \Snap\, n. [Cf. D. snap a snatching. See {Snap}, v. t.]
    1. A sudden breaking or rupture of any substance.

    2. A sudden, eager bite; a sudden seizing, or effort to
    seize, as with the teeth.

    3. A sudden, sharp motion or blow, as with the finger sprung
    from the thumb, or the thumb from the finger.

    4. A sharp, abrupt sound, as that made by the crack of a
    whip; as, the snap of the trigger of a gun.

    5. A greedy fellow. --L'Estrange.

    6. That which is, or may be, snapped up; something bitten
    off, seized, or obtained by a single quick movement;
    hence, a bite, morsel, or fragment; a scrap.

    He's a nimble fellow,
    And alike skilled in every liberal science,
    As having certain snaps of all. --B. Jonson.

    7. A sudden severe interval or spell; -- applied to the
    weather; as, a cold snap. --Lowell.

    8. A small catch or fastening held or closed by means of a
    spring, or one which closes with a snapping sound, as the
    catch of a bracelet, necklace, clasp of a book, etc.

    9. (Zo["o]l.) A snap beetle.

    10. A thin, crisp cake, usually small, and flavored with
    ginger; -- used chiefly in the plural.

    11. Briskness; vigor; energy; decision. [Colloq.]

    12. Any circumstance out of which money may be made or an
    advantage gained. [Slang]

    13. Any task, labor, set of circumstances, or the like, that
    yields satisfactory results or gives pleasure with little
    trouble or effort, as an easy course of study, a job
    where work is light, a bargain, etc. [Slang, Chiefly U.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    14. A snap shot with a firearm.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    15. (Photog.) A snapshot.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    16. Something of no value; as, not worth a snap. [Colloq.]
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    17. (Football) The action of snapping the ball back, from the
    center usu. to the quarterback, which commences the play
    (down), and, if the clock had stopped, restarts the timer
    clock; a {snap back}.

    {Snap back} (Football), the act of snapping back the ball.

    {Snap beetle}, or {Snap bug} (Zo["o]l.), any beetle of the
    family {Elaterid[ae]}, which, when laid on its back, is
    able to leap to a considerable height by means of a
    thoracic spring; -- called also {snapping beetle}.

    {Snap flask} (Molding), a flask for small work, having its
    sides separable and held together by latches, so that the
    flask may be removed from around the sand mold.

    {Snap judgment}, a judgment formed on the instant without

    {Snap lock}, a lock shutting with a catch or snap.

    {Snap riveting}, riveting in which the rivets have snapheads
    formed by a die or swaging tool.

    {Snap shot}, a quick offhand shot, without deliberately
    taking aim.

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