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 sleeper ['sli:pә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 睡眠者, 枕木, 卧铺

[法] 睡眠者, 懒人, 死人

    [ noun ]
    1. a rester who is sleeping

    2. <noun.person>
    3. a spy or saboteur or terrorist planted in an enemy country who lives there as a law-abiding citizen until activated by a prearranged signal

    4. <noun.person>
    5. an unexpected achiever of success

    6. <noun.person>
      the winner was a true sleeper--no one expected him to get it
    7. one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track

    8. <noun.artifact>
      the British call a railroad tie a sleeper
    9. a passenger car that has berths for sleeping

    10. <noun.artifact>
    11. pajamas with feet; worn by children

    12. <noun.artifact>
    13. a piece of furniture that can be opened up into a bed

    14. <noun.artifact>
    15. tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water

    16. <noun.animal>
    17. an unexpected hit

    18. <noun.act>
      that movie was the sleeper of the summer

    Sleeper \Sleep"er\, n.
    1. One who sleeps; a slumberer; hence, a drone, or lazy

    2. That which lies dormant, as a law. [Obs.] --Bacon.

    3. A sleeping car. [Colloq. U.S.]

    4. (Zo["o]l.) An animal that hibernates, as the bear.

    5. (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) A large fresh-water gobioid fish ({Eleotris
    (b) A nurse shark. See under {Nurse}.

    Sleeper \Sleep"er\, n. [Cf. Norw. sleip a sleeper (a timber), as
    adj., slippery, smooth. See {Slape}.]
    Something lying in a reclining posture or position.
    (a) One of the pieces of timber, stone, or iron, on or near
    the level of the ground, for the support of some
    superstructure, to steady framework, to keep in place the
    rails of a railway, etc.; a stringpiece.
    (b) One of the joists, or roughly shaped timbers, laid
    directly upon the ground, to receive the flooring of the
    ground story. [U.S.]
    (c) (Naut.) One of the knees which connect the transoms to
    the after timbers on the ship's quarter.
    (d) (Naut.) The lowest, or bottom, tier of casks.

    Tetard \Te*tard"\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
    A gobioid fish ({Eleotris gyrinus}) of the Southern United
    States; -- called also {sleeper}.

    1. The seminars have produced most of the service changes at BA in the last 18 months. These include the sleeper service in which passengers on a short overnight flight of less than nine hours can be fed on the ground to maximise the time they have to sleep.
    2. Perhaps the biggest sleeper on the Nestle acquisition list is French cosmetics giant L'Oreal S.A. The daughter of L'Oreal's founder still controls a majority of L'Oreal shares through a family holding company called Gesparal.
    3. The truck tractors equipped with the faulty TRW gearboxes are generally heavy-duty, custom-made luxury models with sleeper cabs.
    4. Top 40 it isn't, but state officials are hoping their six-hour cassette tape of the 143-page November ballot pamphlet becomes a sleeper hit.
    5. BR charges Pounds 57 for a one-way ticket between London and Edinburgh, plus Pounds 25 for a sleeper berth.
    6. Private homes, apartments and railway sleeper cars all have been rented out, although some visitors were still searching for places to stay.
    7. Now, four psychologists have duplicated the sleeper effect in one of a series of experiments described in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
    8. Sealy, by the way, is no sleeper; a hotly recruited high school All-American from the Bronx, he also led St. John's in scoring last year.
    9. Investigators also seized from the Blew home an infant's sleeper that Heather was believed to have been wearing at the time of the abduction, McCain said.
    10. A minimal sleeper, he would rise early to find no activity on the streets.
    11. "My brother was a sound sleeper," said Ronald Burger, who shared the apartment with Bignall. "And I think the motion of the quake seemed so violent and disorienting that he just leaped out the window.
    12. Refunds and compensation vouchers for seat and sleeper reservations not honoured.
    13. The reputation of Disney's film executives is safe for 1990 with the sleeper success of "Pretty Woman."
    14. Marciniak said the train crew's first priority was to rescue those in the employee car and evacuate those in a passenger sleeper.
    15. The devices inflate an air bag under the sleeper at a set time to shake him awake.
    16. She pointed a gun and said `Freeze,' but she was a woman, that was the difference." Timothy Daly starred in the 1982 sleeper hit film "Diner" but has done his proudest work on the stage, most recently in "Coastal Disturbances" off Broadway.
    17. Burial spaces, like narrow berths in a railroad sleeper car, were carved in soft tufa stone, one atop the other.
    18. SAS said these are the first business-class sleeper seats in the airline business.
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