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 shop [ʃɔp]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 商店, 工厂, 车间

vi. 购物, 到处寻找

vt. 选购

[化] 工作室; 交付检修

[经] 商店, 工厂, 工场

  1. The local dress shop is having a sale.
  2. I usually go shopping on Sundays.

shopped, shopping
[ noun ]
  1. a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services

  2. <noun.artifact>
    he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod
  3. small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done

  4. <noun.artifact>
  5. a course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity)

  6. <noun.act>
    I built a birdhouse in shop
[ verb ]
  1. do one's shopping

  2. <verb.possession>
    She goes shopping every Friday
  3. do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of

  4. <verb.social> buy at frequent patronise patronize shop at sponsor
  5. shop around; not necessarily buying

  6. <verb.possession>
    I don't need help, I'm just browsing
  7. give away information about somebody

  8. <verb.communication>
    betray denounce give away grass rat shit snitch stag tell on
    He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam

Shop \Shop\, obs.
imp. of {Shape}. Shaped. --Chaucer.

Shop \Shop\, n. [OE. shoppe, schoppe, AS. sceoppa a treasury, a
storehouse, stall, booth; akin to scypen a shed, LG. schup a
shed, G. schoppen, schuppen, a shed, a coachhouse, OHG.
1. A building or an apartment in which goods, wares, drugs,
etc., are sold by retail.

From shop to shop
Wandering, and littering with unfolded silks
The polished counter. --Cowper.

2. A building in which mechanics or artisans work; as, a shoe
shop; a car shop.

A tailor called me in his shop. --Shak.

3. A person's occupation, business, profession, or the like,
as a subject of attention, interest, conversation, etc.;
-- sometimes in deprecation or disapproval; as, to talk
shop at a party. Also used attributively, as in shop talk.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

4. A place where any industry is carried on; as, a chemist's
shop; also, (Slang), any of the various places of business
which are commonly called offices, as of a lawyer, doctor,
broker, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

5. Any place of resort, as one's house, a restaurant, etc.
[Slang, Chiefly Eng.]

6. the group of workers and the activities controlled by an
administrator; as, to have five people in one's shop.

Note: Shop is often used adjectively or in composition; as,
shop rent, or shop-rent; shop thief, or shop-thief;
shop window, or shop-window, etc.

{To smell of the shop}, to indicate too distinctively one's
occupation or profession.

{To talk shop}, to make one's business the topic of social
conversation; also, to use the phrases peculiar to one's
employment. [Colloq.]

Syn: Store; warehouse. See {Store}.

Shop \Shop\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Shopped}; p. pr. & vb. n.
To visit shops for the purpose of purchasing goods.

He was engaged with his mother and some ladies to go
shopping. --Byron.

  1. The wins should restore the shop's leadership in new-business rankings among British ad agencies.
  2. He opened a private car-repair shop in 1985 by getting a license to repair the eastern German Trabant, the two-cylinder car with the plastic body and an engine that sounds like an angry lawn mower.
  3. Working with the distributors, the salesmen identify a suitable shop; the marketing team finds a contractor to paint a sign for the owner and ensures the quality of the logo. The first foreign investors in Vietnam were pioneers.
  4. The Treasury said the latest figures were encouraging. The December figure fits in with indications from retailers that shop spending picked up last month.
  5. Mutual funds have reason to shop among small stocks, says Charles Clough, investment strategist for Merrill Lynch.
  6. People gathered around the televisions in an electronics shop at a shopping mall to watch Wright's hourlong nationally broadcast speech.
  7. MEDIA POLICY: MacNamara Clapp & Klein, a small New York shop, is asking magazine ad representatives to tell it when major advertising inserts will run in their publications.
  8. Says Zeke Owen, whose shop near Camp LeJeune caters to Marines: "I've done Iwo Jima maybe 12 times in 30 years.
  9. "Barbie likes to shop.
  10. Rent a video of "Three Men and a Baby" in Midland, Texas, these days, and you'll find a commercial for Raindance Car Wash, Midland's local scrub shop where you can get your car cleaned for $6.95.
  11. 'Can you tell me why your credit card department will not deal with my sex shop?' Such stories are rife in the lore of general meetings.
  12. And they say the disclosure requirements may prompt card issuers to lower their interest rates as consumers use the information to shop around for the best deal.
  13. The court, without comment, let stand a Montana law used to add 10 years to the 30-year prison sentence given a man who brandished a gun during a pizza shop robbery.
  14. In the past two months alone, bombs have gone off in a Rawalpindi bus station, a poultry shop near the Afghan border, three sites in Bajaur and a bazaar in the refugee center of Thal.
  15. The new shop is a joint venture formed by Polaroid Corp. and the Soviet Ministry of Atomic Energy and Industries.
  16. The ovens are in perfect order, and are still used every night to bake the bread served in the shop.
  17. Mrs. Dukakis, who likes to shop while on campaign trips, leaned over and said, "We haven't discussed it." Dukakis was returning to Boston on a commercial commuter flight Monday night and planned to be back in his Statehouse offices Tuesday.
  18. Like other Freeport residents, the Wentworths must drive eight miles north to Brunswick or five miles south to Yarmouth to shop in a supermarket.
  19. Lauber said the NTSB was also told that the same motor had been replaced on Oct. 4, and had been in the shop for routine inspections in February.
  20. Thousands of books were crammed on shelves, stacked on the floor and buried under desks _ everywhere except on a narrow ribbon of linoleum that snaked through the shop's two small rooms.
  21. They were afraid they'd have problems without me." The Mafia might never have discovered he was an informant were it not for the 1988 indictment of Joseph Rosato, a Local 210 shop steward.
  22. The finalists are a biologist, a nurse, a shop assistant and a teacher.
  23. The great distinction of this show is that it gives you a better chance to view and shop on the spot. Dozens of smaller exhibitors who do not come to Chelsea bring their stock for display and disposal.
  24. Restaurant and gourmet shop purveyors savored caviar soup, cactus salsa and other eccentric vittles Monday at a 19,000-course meal: the international fancy-food trade show.
  25. In the anti-Korean boycott, blacks led by self-proclaimed "anti-white" activist Sonny Carson berated and spat on those who tried to shop at the stores, whose business has plummeted.
  26. WPP CONSOLIDATION: WPP Group is closing the U.S. office of sales promotion subsidiary Promotional Campaigns Worldwide and merging its accounts and "selected staff" into Einson Freeman, another WPP promotion shop, Paramus, N.J.
  27. The soft option is to argue that Mr Bush left the shop in such disorder that a big reduction in the deficit over four years is, regrettably, impossible.
  28. Hundreds of onlookers crowded the shop entrance, and the body, wrapped in a white sheet, was carried to an ambulance.
  29. August normally sees a rise in seasonal food prices and certain shop prices as summer sales end.
  30. Then the auto paint shop fire sent an evil-looking cloud of black smoke into the air.
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