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 shear blade 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Shear \Shear\, n. [AS. sceara. See {Shear}, v. t.]
    1. A pair of shears; -- now always used in the plural, but
    formerly also in the singular. See {Shears}.

    On his head came razor none, nor shear. --Chaucer.

    Short of the wool, and naked from the shear.

    2. A shearing; -- used in designating the age of sheep.

    After the second shearing, he is a two-shear ram; .
    . . at the expiration of another year, he is a
    three-shear ram; the name always taking its date
    from the time of shearing. --Youatt.

    3. (Engin.) An action, resulting from applied forces, which
    tends to cause two contiguous parts of a body to slide
    relatively to each other in a direction parallel to their
    plane of contact; -- also called {shearing stress}, and
    {tangential stress}.

    4. (Mech.) A strain, or change of shape, of an elastic body,
    consisting of an extension in one direction, an equal
    compression in a perpendicular direction, with an
    unchanged magnitude in the third direction.

    {Shear blade}, one of the blades of shears or a shearing

    {Shear hulk}. See under {Hulk}.

    {Shear steel}, a steel suitable for shears, scythes, and
    other cutting instruments, prepared from fagots of
    blistered steel by repeated heating, rolling, and tilting,
    to increase its malleability and fineness of texture.

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