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 shakeup   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 振动(整顿)

    [ noun ]
    the imposition of a new organization; organizing differently (often involving extensive and drastic changes)
    a committee was appointed to oversee the reorganization of the curriculumtop officials were forced out in the cabinet shakeup

    1. Retailers, normally nervous prior to the important Christmas season, are even more worried this year because of the shakeup in financial markets and its implications for the economy.
    2. The report made 157 recommendations for the biggest shakeup the transit system has known.
    3. The move, which surprised Wall Street professionals, was part of a bigger shakeup at the corporate-finance division of the Primerica Corp. unit after the departure of three top executives.
    4. In the shakeup, Dobrynin, a former Soviet ambassador to Washington, was retired, and Medvedev was elevated to the ruling Politburo and put in charge of ideology.
    5. Street protests that began last month and a mass emigration of young skilled workers have prompted a shakeup in country's leadership, exacting from it promises of fundamental reform and the opening of the country's borders to free travel on Nov. 9.
    6. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the regulator of futures exchanges, could be the loser in a bureaucratic shakeup.
    7. Dissident shareholders of Crazy Eddie Inc. elected a new board, which immediately began a shakeup at the troubled consumer electronics chain.
    8. The departure of the directors, who worked at Saatchi and Saatchi Advertising Ltd., was unrelated to a recent management shakeup and decline in the parent's financial performance, a spokesman for the company said.
    9. As previously reported, the overruns at the project, estimated at nine billion kroner above the original 6.8 billion-kroner cost, resulted in a management shakeup.
    10. Seoul's cabinet shakeup was viewed as the South Korean government's continuing struggle to contain fallout from recent scandals and isn't expected to bring substantial economic policy changes.
    11. Even a shakeup in its top U.S. management last summer has failed to turn things around.
    12. It cited "an unusual meeting of the entire sales force and top management" of Time magazine scheduled for Sept. 27 and said many staffers were predicting a "management shakeup."
    13. Kravchenko, former director-general of the official Tass news agency, was appointed head of Gostelradio last month as part of a shakeup of the state television monopoly.
    14. President George Vassiliou replaced four of the 10 ministers of his Cabinet on Thursday in a shakeup that had been expected for more than a month.
    15. A spokesman acknowledged that the management shakeup portends cuts in Dravo's 5,500-member work force.
    16. The reorganization of government ministries approved by the congress was suggested before he became acting premier, but he undoubtedly played a large role in working out details of the shakeup.
    17. Also Monday, the Panamanian Defense Forces announced a shakeup, kicking out 17 officers connected with the coup attempt and promoting 98 loyal officers.
    18. The British shakeup was widely cited for the declines.
    19. The shakeup affects nearly 8,000 Roman Catholics belonging to the churches, which are all in Detroit except for one, in River Rouge, a suburb.
    20. Wojciech Jaruzelski, called for a shakeup of the government's economic apparatus, the reduction of privileges for state officials and an intensified crackdown on waste and mismanagement.
    21. Chase Manhattan Corp. said it would appoint a new chairman as part of an early management shakeup that officials indicated would include cutbacks in the corporate finance area.
    22. The departure of the 47-year-old Lane, effective Dec. 29, caps a major shakeup at the company that has included the reshuffling of management and a $900 million recapitalization plan.
    23. The rebels demanded an end to the prosecution of officers for human rights abuses committed during the 1976-83 dictatorship, a shakeup of the command structure, and a bigger military budget.
    24. Whitbread's spirits auction occurs amid a parallel shakeup in the British beer industry.
    25. Perfiliev said there had been no shakeup in the leadership, but seemed to add as protection that Ligachev was on a "short vacation," in the event he did not show up at the Kremlin gathering.
    26. Gunjaadorg became premier in March during a shakeup of top Communist Party and government ranks forced by pro-democracy demonstrations.
    27. In a move that completed a tumultuous, six-month shakeup of top management, Apple Computer Inc. hired Robert Puette, a longtime Hewlett-Packard Co. executive, to lead the company's domestic division.
    28. Prosper Avril replaced seven ministers, the police chief and a top army officer in the biggest government shakeup since he took power last year.
    29. But there were no reports of units opposing the political shakeup or contemplating an anti-Deng coup.
    30. He also outlined new administrative procedures, including a shakeup of the generic drug division and prohibitions against idle contacts between FDA officials and manufacturers, to head off repetition of the case.
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