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 shadier 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. But while this nascent hero—with 63 goals in 160 appearances for his club—is winning admiration for his exploits, Chongryon itself has a shadier history.
    这一初生的英雄——在俱乐部共出场160次,踢进63球——为其开发机构联合总会赢得了声誉。 而该机构本身就有一段肮脏的历史。

Shady \Shad"y\, a. [Compar. {Shadier}; superl. {Shadiest}.]
1. Abounding in shade or shades; overspread with shade;
causing shade.

The shady trees cover him with their shadow. --Job.
xl. 22.

And Amaryllis fills the shady groves. --Dryden.

2. Sheltered from the glare of light or sultry heat.

Cast it also that you may have rooms shady for
summer and warm for winter. --Bacon.

3. Of or pertaining to shade or darkness; hence, unfit to be
seen or known; of questionable character; unsavory;
equivocal; dubious, corrupt, or criminal; as, a shady
character; -- of people or activities. [Colloq.] ``A shady
business.'' --London Sat. Rev.

Shady characters, disreputable, criminal. --London

{On the shady side of}, on the thither side of; as, on the
shady side of fifty; that is, more than fifty. [Colloq.]

{To keep shady}, to stay in concealment; also, to be
reticent. [Slang]

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