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 serotonin [,siәrәu'tәunin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 血清素

[化] 5-羟色胺

[医] 血清素, 5-羟色胺

  1. Serotonin, for example, is the" feel good" chemical.
  2. Serotonin somehow exerts a calming influence on the mind.
  3. ( Prozac, for example, acts by increasing serotonin function.

[ noun ]
a neurotransmitter involved in e.g. sleep and depression and memory

  1. More startling discoveries may not be far off. Lilly is funding research at a tiny biotechnology company called Neurogenetic Corp., which has discovered still more serotonin receptors.
  2. In the past two years, advances in gene-searching techniques have led to more than a half dozen new serotonin receptors whose roles in human behavior aren't yet fully understood.
  3. Eli Lilly & Co. is testing its anti-depressant drug Prozac against obesity because of its involvement with one neurotransmitter called serotonin.
  4. Lilly stumbled onto Prozac in the 1970s while looking for a drug to increase serotonin levels between nerve endings.
  5. Several years ago, a study by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism showed, for example, no difference in serotonin levels between compulsive gamblers and normal men.
  6. These agents, called serotonin and acetylcholine, are natural substances used by nerve cells to communicate with one another.
  7. "But it may be found that some people are especially sensitive to the drug's mode of action, which differs from other antidepressants." Prozac works by increasing the availability of a chemical, serotonin, that carries signals between nerve cells.
  8. Research elsewhere suggested that serotonin could cause blood vessels to contract.
  9. Researchers believe the drug increases serotonin levels, perhaps counteracting a deficiency in the brain's chemical messenger system that may cause obsessive-compulsive behavior.
  10. Some researchers suggest that increasing serotonin may drive some people to severe and intolerable edginess and that such problems must be closely watched by doctors.
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