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 sensualism ['senʃuәlizm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 肉欲主义, 好色, 感觉论

[医] 肉欲主义; 享乐主义

    [ noun ]
    1. desire for sensual pleasures

    2. <noun.feeling>
    3. (philosophy) the ethical doctrine that feeling is the only criterion for what is good

    4. <noun.cognition>

    Sensualism \Sen"su*al*ism\, n. [Cf. F. sensualisme.]
    1. The condition or character of one who is sensual;
    subjection to sensual feelings and appetite; sensuality.

    2. (Philos.) The doctrine that all our ideas, or the
    operations of the understanding, not only originate in
    sensation, but are transformed sensations, copies or
    relics of sensations; sensationalism; sensism.

    3. (Ethics) The regarding of the gratification of the senses
    as the highest good. --Krauth-Fleming.

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