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 semblance ['semblәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 外表, 伪装, 假象, 少量

    [ noun ]
    1. an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading

    2. <noun.attribute>
      he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity
      he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction
      the situation soon took on a different color
    3. an erroneous mental representation

    4. <noun.cognition>
    5. picture consisting of a graphic image of a person or thing

    6. <noun.artifact>

    Semblance \Sem"blance\, n. [F. See {Semblable}, a.]
    1. Seeming; appearance; show; figure; form.

    Thier semblance kind, and mild their gestures were.

    2. Likeness; resemblance, actual or apparent; similitude; as,
    the semblance of worth; semblance of virtue.

    Only semblances or imitations of shells. --Woodward.

    1. "The Saudis have to save face and keep some semblance of order," a Chicago-based oil trader said.
    2. Only one established fund, CU PPT Monthly Income Plus, could claim any semblance of balance. Is this loss of choice, the loss of fixed income and equity balance, something we should mourn?
    3. Price controls are easy, but as Mr. Funaro is learning, restoring some semblance of a market after price controls have begun to destroy production is the hard part.
    4. It's important that the Congress and the public and the financial markets have some notion of what we are trying to do, and that we have some semblance of debate." In the summer of 1988, the discount rate brought that debate to a head.
    5. "With the problems the industry overall is having, lowering the minimums is one step most funds will consider if they want to retain some semblance of positive sales," says Michael Hirsch, manager of the New York-based FundTrust group.
    6. George Leonard, associate chief of the Forest Service, said in an interview that implementation of his agency's plan to protect spotted owl habitat will "allow us to get on to some semblance of a timber sale program.
    7. The excellent Ms. Lahti provides the semblance of a reason for watching this shambles, the script of which was written by Linda Voorhees.
    8. Kirk and put it in to some semblance of order that we could do would require the kind of writing we're not allowed to do (under the terms of the Writers Guild strike)," said Berman.
    9. He adds that a spouse who can keep a semblance of regularity at home helps a lot.
    10. "To force a trial at that time (Sept. 20) would cause a proceeding without even the semblance of fairness and run afoul of the most basic principles of due process required by the Constitution," said North attorney Barry S. Simon.
    11. They gave the left the semblance of what it wanted, disguised as a presentation to the right. Enter Lord Griffiths of Fforestfach.
    12. If you don't have some semblance of deep pockets, you can be profitable and still go out of business." Black entrepreneurs who have flourished under affirmative-action programs also worry they'll be hurt by a Supreme Court decision last year.
    13. Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the principal goal for the U.S. military forces "is to restore a semblance of civic order.
    14. We did not want any semblance of a group."
    15. One change from 1984 is a semblance of organization in the Jackson campaign, thanks in large part to campaign manager Gerald Austin.
    16. This time, in a semblance of democracy, congress delegates were elected instead.
    17. With the Arab world turned upside down by Saddam, diplomats said, the Saudis are expected to foster ties with Syria and Egypt to rebuild a semblance of Arab unity.
    18. What hope the UN ever had of beginning the task of national reconciliation and restoring a semblance of normal administration has been lost.
    19. The Democratic Socialists had formed a tacit alliance last year with Takeshita's Liberal Democratic Party to give a semblance of unity when Parliament passed the government's tax bill.
    20. At the time, the oil companies had hailed the agreements as guaranteeing a semblance of stability in oil prices to consumers despite the agreed increases."
    21. It also can object to foreign ownership stakes below the legally allowable 25% level if it believes the foreign carrier will exert even a semblance of control.
    22. Any semblance of propriety or subtlety has been jettisoned.
    23. Traders said the stock market's lurching moves have prompted many investors to head for the sidelines until it regains some semblance of stability.
    24. Clive Barnes, New York Post: The sad thing is that the dancers do their level best to raise this grisly corpse of an evening into some semblance of life _ as if they were literally flogging a dead horse.
    25. "If the world only knew how many times you have kept a semblance of integrity and gumption to U.S. policy," the message asserted, "they would make you Secretary of State."
    26. They immediately voted to dump three old committee chairmen to open up the House hierarchy, and then kept alive some semblance of a liberal social agenda even through the Reagan years.
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