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 segue ['segwei, 'seigwei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. [用作指示语][音]继续

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of changing smoothly from one state or situation to another

    2. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. proceed without interruption; in music or talk

    2. <verb.communication>
      He segued into another discourse

    1. "I think we made the best segue in the history of broadcasting when `Hill Street Blues' was in its last season, along came `L.A. Law,"' said Tartikoff.
    2. Potter's hurry-on-by direction and Swinton's sphinx-like ethereality as a presence - nothing so crude as 'acting' ever seems to take place within this actress - mean we segue into the next historical encounter before the ink is dry on the last one.
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