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 sea cucumber 添加此单词到默认生词本

    sea cucumber
    [ noun ]
    echinoderm having a flexible sausage-shaped body, tentacles surrounding the mouth and tube feet; free-living mud feeders

    Sea cucumber \Sea" cu"cum*ber\ (Zo["o]l.)
    Any large holothurian, especially one of those belonging to
    the genus {Pentacta}, or {Cucumaria}, as the common American
    and European species. ({P. frondosa}).

    Trepang \Tre*pang"\, n. [Malay tr[=i]pang.] (Zo["o]l.)
    Any one of several species of large holothurians, some of
    which are dried and extensively used as food in China; --
    called also {b[^e]che de mer}, {sea cucumber}, and {sea
    slug}. [Written also {tripang}.]

    Note: The edible trepangs are mostly large species of
    {Holothuria}, especially {Holothuria edulis}. They are
    taken in vast quantities in the East Indies, where they
    are dried and smoked, and then shipped to China. They
    are used as an ingredient in certain kinds of soup.

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