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 scimitar ['simitә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 短弯刀, 半月形刀, 短弯刀状物

    [ noun ]
    a curved oriental saber; the edge is on the convex side of the blade

    Scimiter \Scim"i*ter\, Scimitar \Scim"i*tar\, n. [F. cimeterre,
    cf. It. scimitarra, Sp. cimitarra; fr. Biscayan cimetarra
    with a sharp edge; or corrupted from Per. shimsh[=i]r.]
    1. A saber with a much curved blade having the edge on the
    convex side, -- in use among Mohammedans, esp., the Arabs
    and persians. [Written also {cimeter}, and {scymetar}.]

    2. A long-handled billhook. See {Billhook}.

    {Scimiter pods} (Bot.), the immense curved woody pods of a
    leguminous woody climbing plant ({Entada scandens})
    growing in tropical India and America. They contain hard
    round flattish seeds two inches in diameter, which are
    made into boxes.

    1. There were meagre pearls that had never known an oyster, and guards who had never known a scimitar (it is not, one of the chaps had better be told, a fly-swat).
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