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 satisfy ['sætisfai]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使满意, 满足, 符合, 使确信, 赔偿

vi. 令人满意, 替人赎罪

[法] 偿还, 补偿, 赔偿

  1. Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?
  2. Some people are very hard to satisfy.


Satisfy \Sat"is*fy\, v. i.
1. To give satisfaction; to afford gratification; to leave
nothing to be desired.

2. To make payment or atonement; to atone. --Milton.

Satisfy \Sat"is*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Satisfied}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Satisfying}.] [OF. satisfier; L. satis enough +
-ficare (in comp.) to make; cf. F. satisfaire, L.
satisfacere. See {Sad}, a., and {Fact}.]
1. In general, to fill up the measure of a want of (a person
or a thing); hence, to grafity fully the desire of; to
make content; to supply to the full, or so far as to give
contentment with what is wished for.

Death shall . . . with us two
Be forced to satisfy his ravenous maw. --Milton.

2. To pay to the extent of claims or deserts; to give what is
due to; as, to satisfy a creditor.

3. To answer or discharge, as a claim, debt, legal demand, or
the like; to give compensation for; to pay off; to
requite; as, to satisfy a claim or an execution.

4. To free from doubt, suspense, or uncertainty; to give
assurance to; to set at rest the mind of; to convince; as,
to satisfy one's self by inquiry.

The standing evidences of the truth of the gospel
are in themselves most firm, solid, and satisfying.

Syn: To satiate; sate; content; grafity; compensate. See

  1. Six non-students were arrested for the crime as police moved quickly to satisfy student demands that the assailants be brought to justice.
  2. The Portuguese presidency of the EC has been trying to find a formula to satisfy Greece. Meanwhile, the first infantry contingent of the UN peacekeeping force sent to Yugoslavia began deployment in war-torn areas of Croatia yesterday.
  3. The malls are only too happy to satisfy teen-agers' wants, particularly when parents are inclined to waive control.
  4. Individuals have first to satisfy the Commission they have an arguable case before being allowed access to the Court. In future all individuals will have direct access to the new court which will normally sit in chambers of seven judges.
  5. The FCC said its conditions, including a ban on communications between the trust and Warner, should satisfy Chris-Craft's concern that the trust be independent.
  6. "Reasonable projections based on the same assumptions as those used in projections made available to the examiner would have shown that Revco was left with insufficient capital to satisfy its then known obligations," he said.
  7. Mexico has been devoting the equivalent of nearly six per cent of its gross national product to satisfy debt payments.
  8. The spending plan would satisfy the limits placed on defense, domestic and international affairs spending that were set in last fall's budget summit agreement between President Reagan and congressional leaders.
  9. She said the agency is considering whether to appeal the ruling, to beef up its analysis to satisfy shortcomings cited by the appeals court or to revamp its regulation.
  10. Just as the four week delay was insufficient to discharge the building contract, so it was insufficient to discharge the bond. The effect of delay on Rush & Tompkins's ability to satisfy the condition of the bond was, however, substantial.
  11. The deal also gives MacAndrews & Forbes the option to acquire up to 18.5 percent of Coleman's outstanding common shares for $74 a share, if those shares are needed to help satisfy the minimum tender provision, the companies said.
  12. "Not even Solomon could decide this one to satisfy everyone," said D. Marvin Jones, an associate professor of law at the University of Miami.
  13. "I was much more careful with this," said Fialkowska, a Canadian who now lives in Connecticut. "I had to approach every note of the piece and choose a way that would satisfy myself, the public and Liszt.
  14. White House budget director Richard Darman said last week that because of the economy's poor recent performance, the amount of deficit-reduction needed to satisfy Gramm-Rudman now ranges from $45 billion to $57 billion or more.
  15. It said the Canadian Challenger did not satisfy technical requirements for take-off, but Mr Donald Campbell, Canadian ambassador to Japan, disputed this.
  16. But it didn't satisfy me.
  17. The papers say Mr. Gebauer did pay $800,000 from the sale to satisfy overseas debts, but only to prevent a "fire sale" of Mr. Gebauer's foreign assets, including an apartment in France, German paintings and an interest in a Brazilian coffee farm.
  18. Proceeds from the sale are expected to be initially applied to satisfy the company's outstanding debts, including a secured loan from Chemical Banking Corp.
  19. Japanese officials said their action was intended only to give Mr. Sato more time to muster political support for a compromise that could satisfy the U.S. without threatening the livelihoods of thousands of Japanese farmers.
  20. Striving to satisfy the "ice" theme of the building, Ms. Hadid designed glass dining tables with corners so sharp that managers worried that customers would cut themselves.
  21. The play sets, which were sold nationwide for ages 1 and up during 1988 and 1989, are considered a rattle and must satisfy a more stringent choking standard than items classified as toys.
  22. So Fokker simultaneously launched a new 50-seat commuter plane and a 100-seat jetliner, knocking itself out to satisfy customers' design requests.
  23. But the technology wasn't there yet to satisfy consumer requirements." Premier differed from ordinary cigarettes in that it didn't actually burn tobacco.
  24. But administration officials believe they can satisfy such complaints.
  25. Current Arab oil reserves plus recoverable reserves and anticipated discoveries can satisfy oil demand until 2020, said Abdul-Aziz al-Wattari, assistant secretary-general of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries.
  26. The demonstrations are running long enough to satisfy the delegates, short enough to hold the living room audience.
  27. "This is the car that's going to support us and satisfy our customers for the next four years," Mr. Whitlock declared.
  28. Contemporary versions of some of Bass's old favorites appealed to retailers, who probably were looking for shoe lines to satisfy nostalgia-mad grown-up baby boomers.
  29. It also would have to satisfy various regulatory requirements.
  30. Known as EPG, the fat substitute probably will require several more years of testing to satisfy requirements of the Food and Drug Administration.
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