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 sandlot ['sændlɔt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 沙地, 小孩们的运动用空地

    [ noun ]
    a vacant lot used by city boys to play games

    sandlot \sand"lot\, Sand-lot \Sand"-lot`\, a.
    1. Lit., of or pert. to a lot or piece of sandy ground, --
    hence, pert. to, or characteristic of, the policy or
    practices of the socialistic or communistic followers of
    the Irish agitator Denis Kearney, who delivered many of
    his speeches in the open sand lots about San Francisco;
    as, the

    {sand-lot constitution} of California, framed in 1879, under
    the influence of sand-lot agitation.

    2. of or pertaining to a sandlot; -- used especially in
    reference to informal games played by children; as,
    sandlot baseball.

    sandlot \sand"lot\ (s[a^]nd"l[o^]t), n.
    a vacant lot, especially one where children play games.

    1. Aluminum bats don't break, and that makes them suitable for sandlot leagues, which have to worry about money.
    2. A 7-year-old who can't get enough baseball figured a way to get neighborhood kids to come out to his local sandlot.
    3. Though the originally planned 3,000-seat football stadium was a sandlot by Texas high-school standards, some county residents wondered whether school officials weren't driven by a desire to oversee grand regional events.
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