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 sanctuary ['sæŋktʃuәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 圣所(指教堂、寺院等), 耶路撒冷的神殿, 避难所

[法] 庇护所, 避难所, 教堂

    [ noun ]
    1. a consecrated place where sacred objects are kept

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a shelter from danger or hardship

    4. <noun.artifact>
    5. area around the altar of a church for the clergy and choir; often enclosed by a lattice or railing

    6. <noun.artifact>

    Sanctuary \Sanc"tu*a*ry\, n.; pl. {Sanctuaries}. [OE.
    seintuarie, OF. saintuaire, F. sanctuaire, fr. L.
    sanctuarium, from sanctus sacred, holy. See {Saint}.]
    A sacred place; a consecrated spot; a holy and inviolable
    site. Hence, specifically:
    (a) The most retired part of the temple at Jerusalem, called
    the Holy of Holies, in which was kept the ark of the
    covenant, and into which no person was permitted to enter
    except the high priest, and he only once a year, to
    intercede for the people; also, the most sacred part of
    the tabernacle; also, the temple at Jerusalem.
    (b) (Arch.) The most sacred part of any religious building,
    esp. that part of a Christian church in which the altar
    is placed.
    (c) A house consecrated to the worship of God; a place where
    divine service is performed; a church, temple, or other
    place of worship.
    (d) A sacred and inviolable asylum; a place of refuge and
    protection; shelter; refuge; protection.

    These laws, whoever made them, bestowed on temples
    the privilege of sanctuary. --Milton.

    The admirable works of painting were made fuel for
    the fire; but some relics of it took sanctuary
    under ground, and escaped the common destiny.

    {Wildlife sanctuary}, a tract of land set aside by law for
    the preservation of wildlife, in which no hunting is

    1. Miles of absorbent boom contained nearly all the oil in the narrow channel and spared the Shooters Island bird sanctuary, Coast Guard officials said.
    2. There was no sign of forced entry at the office and sanctuary, housed in the basement of the college's student union, Oppenheim said.
    3. He had the packed sanctuary of his longtime pastorate, the historic Marble Collegiate Church, rolling with intermittant gales of laughter, applause and concentrated listening.
    4. Fang, an astrophysicist and human-rights advocate, and his wife took sanctuary in the U.S. Embassy after last June's crackdown on a prodemocracy movement.
    5. A white tent was set up with a separate inner sanctuary to hold the coffin, which had a Japanese screen and protective sword at its head and was surrounded by lanterns and chrysanthemum displays.
    6. They also wanted sanctuary for the family of a coup leader.
    7. In 1984, in the worst grounding of the decade, the ship Wellwood scarred 128,000 square feet of coral on the marine sanctuary's Molasses Reef.
    8. Mrs. Brawley has been taking sanctuary in a Brooklyn church to evade a court order for her arrest.
    9. She will be taken to the Sepilok orangutan sanctuary in Sandakan, 1,030 miles east of Kuala Lumpur on Borneo island, then returned to the jungle after about six months of rehabilitation, officials said.
    10. Kelly will meet with ousted leaders of the Kuwaiti government who were given sanctuary in Saudi Arabia, and with Saudi officials.
    11. Tuesday _ Riots break out in Tirana when Albanians seek sanctuary in foreign embassies in an apparent attempt to flee the repressive regime.
    12. Radicals use the cathedral as a sanctuary because police do not enter for fear of offending public opinion and church authorities.
    13. The accident happened about four miles south of where the 155-foot freighter Alec Owen Maitland ran aground Oct. 25, cutting a 200-foot swath in the reef in the sanctuary.
    14. Manuel Antonio Noriega had left his Vatican Embassy sanctuary in Panama and turned himself in to U.S. authorities.
    15. Since the first three activists escaped 12 days ago to consular sanctuary 11 stories above downtown Johannesburg, the activists have demanded the release of all detainees and an end to South Africa's state of emergency.
    16. John Paul II lauded indirectly the sanctuary effort for illegal Latin refugees, before a heavily Hispanic crowd in San Antonio, Texas.
    17. The Vatican Embassy, which Endara once used for sanctuary when he was in the opposition and Noriega ran the country, was one of the likely places of refuge the Americans didn't stake out.
    18. A nonprofit sanctuary for unwanted pet primates near San Antonio, Texas, receives a half-dozen inquiries a week from people wanting to unload.
    19. IMF would have to rebuild the sanctuary as it was.
    20. He said the Vatican would not have lifted diplomatic immunity on anyone taking sanctuary for political resasons.
    21. The rising number of people seeking sanctuary abroad has depressed Hong Kong stocks and property values, caused a "brain-drain" in many industries and raised pressure on Britain to provide refuge for those who want to leave.
    22. Investigators have narrowed to four the list of suspects in the strangling of a 16-year-old church organist who was abducted from the sanctuary where she was cleaning up for services, police said Monday.
    23. "We are trying to be sensitive to those who want the hymns." And, after some debate, church officials decided to buy a compact, unobtrusive electronic organ for the new sanctuary. It finds good use in playing solemn background to spoken prayers.
    24. He said the archdiocese built a new sanctuary 21 years ago, and just last week the church won a city beautification award after volunteers landscaped the yard.
    25. "We're going to do our best to make this a success for years to come," said Bob Burford, director of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, which sponsored the sanctuary and its dedication Wednesday.
    26. The oldest is a sixth-century Coptic sanctuary curtain; the most recent is a 20th-century American pictorial wall hanging.
    27. The UK objects to whale hunting because of the slow and painful death of a harpooned whale. As a European commissioner put it: 'The point about whales is you get an enormous response - we received 60,000 postcards backing the sanctuary.'
    28. Although the vessels were outside the two-mile limit around the sanctuary, they made enough noise to force the women to close the windows in their cabin so they could sleep.
    29. State Department representatives have been debriefing the coup participants who were given sanctuary in this country, officials said.
    30. The Rev. Jamie Mock-Robbins, an early leader in the sanctuary movement to aid Central American refugees, died at age 32.
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