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 sacking ['sækiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 袋布, 麻袋布

    [ noun ]
    1. coarse fabric used for bags or sacks

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)

    4. <noun.act>

    Sack \Sack\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sacked}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Sacking}.] [See {Sack} pillage.]
    To plunder or pillage, as a town or city; to devastate; to

    The Romans lay under the apprehensions of seeing their
    city sacked by a barbarous enemy. --Addison.

    Sacking \Sack"ing\, n. [AS. s[ae]ccing, from s[ae]cc sack, bag.]
    Stout, coarse cloth of which sacks, bags, etc., are made.

    1. The demonstrators were demanding an end to the fighting, the sacking of the republic's nationalist-coalition government and new elections. 'We came here as peacemakers,' one demonstrator told a Sarajevo television reporter.
    2. The 'exit programme', an Indian phrase meaning the redeployment or retraining or sacking of redundant workers, has already led to one strike.
    3. It was as if the wrapping of the wood in wet sacking was a rite which endowed my hands with a certain power.
    4. Along with raising the buyers' premium, the leading auction houses have tried to save money by sacking staff, including experts.
    5. Resort shares were suspended at 45p, the company concerned 'over a number of financing and reporting issues' and sacking its managing director.
    6. President Boris Yeltsin moved quickly to repair the political damage by sacking the acting finance minister, Sergei Dubinin, and urging Victor Gerashchenko, head of the Central Bank, to quit.
    7. Also today, the official press said in front-page editorials that the sacking of a provincial governor accused of corruption shows the Communist Party will spare no high official found abusing his powers.
    8. Pro-democracy protests by hundreds of thousands of people forced the resignation of his successor and led to the sacking of another by the military.
    9. One Conservative said his sacking had been 'tactically inept'. In public the former chancellor won sympathy from colleagues.
    10. Mr Rao has tried to ride out the storm caused by the sacking of the Ayodhya mosque. Whether his policy has been right will be shown in the state elections in the four northern states in November and December.
    11. It cost the BBC Pounds 500,000 and could well have been one of the issues that led to the sacking of Alasdair Milne as BBC director general.
    12. Rafael del Pino, the highest ranking military officer ever to defect from Cuba, said he believes there was a relationship between the arrest of Ochoa and the sacking of Transportation Minister Diocles Torralba the day before.
    13. Last March, Paradyne settled the charges by pleading guilty to conspiracy, agreeing to pay fines of $1.2 million and sacking Robert Wiggins, its chairman, president and chief executive.
    14. While many leading Japanese companies will continue to resist the concept of sacking staff, they may not achieve successful results without wielding the white collar axe. 'The magnitude of excess is too large,' says Hori.
    15. Army trucks loaded with armed troops patrolled the capital's main streets today with orders to shoot looters, who were sacking government buildings, factories and warehouses.
    16. It also emerged that it was sacking its financial PR and adding Morgan Grenfell as bankers.
    17. The sacking comes amidst continued fighting against the SNM in the north and intensified battles against the rebel United Somali Congress in central Somalia.
    18. Mr Kalu's sacking was reported in the government-owned Daily Times newspaper.
    19. As proof of this somewhat extreme proposition he cites the sacking or forced retirement of 129 journalists from the state-owned radio last February, which prompted large demonstrations both for and against. Feelings run equally high on the other side.
    20. It held Washington runners to 73 yards and harried quarterback Jay Schroeder to distraction, sacking him four times and forcing six interceptions.
    21. On a more mundane level, Unilever has had to make spitting a sacking offence in its ice cream factory to curb the Chinese habit.
    22. They believe it was careless of the board not to have gauged the effect the sacking would have on him. 'He was of the old school', a broker says.
    23. Venomously, he asked Mr Chernomyrdin who was boss in his cabinet, demanded the sacking of Mr Anatoly Chubais, the deputy prime minister for privatisation, threatened to dock ministerial salaries.
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