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 rubber dam 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 橡皮障, 堤

    Rubber \Rub"ber\, n.
    1. One who, or that which, rubs. Specifically:
    (a) An instrument or thing used in rubbing, polishing, or
    (b) A coarse file, or the rough part of a file.
    (c) A whetstone; a rubstone.
    (d) An eraser, usually made of caoutchouc or a synthetic
    (e) The cushion of an electrical machine.
    (f) One who performs massage, especially in a Turkish
    (g) Something that chafes or annoys; hence, something that
    grates on the feelings; a sarcasm; a rub. --Thackeray.

    2. In some games, as bridge or whist, the odd game, as the
    third or the fifth, which decides the winner when there is
    a tie between the players; as, to play the rubber; also, a
    contest determined by the winning of two out of three
    games; as, to play a rubber of whist. --Beaconsfield. ``A
    rubber of cribbage.'' --Dickens.

    3. India rubber; caoutchouc; gum elastic; -- also called
    {natural rubber}.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    4. Any substance, whether natural or synthetic, resembling
    India rubber with respect to its elasticity[1].

    5. A low-cut overshoe made of natural or synthetic rubber[4],
    serving to keep the feet and shoes dry when walking in the
    rain or on a wet surface; -- usually used in the plural.

    6. A {condom}. [Slang]

    {Antimony rubber}, an elastic durable variety of vulcanized
    caoutchouc of a red color. It contains antimony sulphide
    as an important constituent.

    {Hard rubber}, a kind of vulcanized caoutchouc which nearly
    resembles horn in texture, rigidity, etc.

    {India rubber}, caoutchouc. See {Caoutchouc}.

    {Rubber cloth}, cloth covered with caoutchouc for excluding
    water or moisture.

    {Rubber dam} (Dentistry), a shield of thin sheet rubber
    clasped around a tooth to exclude saliva from the tooth.

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