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 rouser   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 唤醒者, 搅拌器, 弥天大谎

    [ noun ]
    someone who rouses others from sleep

    Rouser \Rous"er\, n.
    1. One who, or that which, rouses.

    2. Something very exciting or great. [Colloq.]

    3. (Brewing) A stirrer in a copper for boiling wort.

    1. Dr. Kurt, now the FDA's medical officer for the Southwest, says of Mr. Latimer: "He is a credible man, neither a rabble rouser nor a Ralph Nader.
    2. Anyway, she reads books in the bath. Ironically, Zissman is less than convincing as the Tory rabble rouser.
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