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 roundhouse ['raundhaus]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 圆形机车库, 拘留所, 大抡拳

    [ noun ]
    1. workplace consisting of a circular building for repairing locomotives

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a hook delivered with an exaggerated swing

    4. <noun.act>

    Roundhouse \Round"house`\, n.
    1. A constable's prison; a lockup, watch-house, or station
    house. [Obs.]

    2. (Naut.)
    (a) A cabin or apartament on the after part of the
    quarter-deck, having the poop for its roof; --
    sometimes called the {coach}.
    (b) A privy near the bow of the vessel.

    3. A house for locomotive engines, built circularly around a

    1. The one-hour show is filmed on location in Europe _ London one week, then off to Paris, Rome, Greece and other romantic places. It's all picturesque background for Whitton and Andrews to get into mischief and swap roundhouse punches and makeup kisses.
    2. At one time, a tiny working railroad wound its way around the town and back and forth across Turkey Creek on miniature trestles. The steam-powered locomotive had a miniature roundhouse where it turned around and spent the winter.
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