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 rood screen 添加此单词到默认生词本

    rood screen
    [ noun ]
    a screen in a church; separates the nave from the choir or chancel

    Rood \Rood\ (r[=oo]d), n. [AS. r[=o]d a cross; akin to OS.
    r[=o]da, D. roede rod, G. ruthe, rute, OHG. ruota. Cf. {Rod}
    a measure.]
    1. A representation in sculpture or in painting of the cross
    with Christ hanging on it.

    Note: Generally, the Trinity is represented, the Father as an
    elderly man fully clothed, with a nimbus around his
    head, and holding the cross on which the Son is
    represented as crucified, the Holy Spirit descending in
    the form of a dove near the Son's head. Figures of the
    Virgin Mary and of St. John are often placed near the
    principal figures.

    Savior, in thine image seen
    Bleeding on that precious rood. --Wordsworth.

    2. A measure of five and a half yards in length; a rod; a
    perch; a pole. [Prov. Eng.]

    3. The fourth part of an acre, or forty square rods.

    {By the rood}, by the cross; -- a phrase formerly used in
    swearing. ``No, by the rood, not so.'' --Shak.

    {Rood beam} (Arch.), a beam across the chancel of a church,
    supporting the rood.

    {Rood loft} (Arch.), a loft or gallery, in a church, on which
    the rood and its appendages were set up to view. --Gwilt.

    {Rood screen} (Arch.), a screen, between the choir and the
    body of the church, over which the rood was placed.

    {Rood tower} (Arch.), a tower at the intersection of the nave
    and transept of a church; -- when crowned with a spire it
    was called also {rood steeple}. --Weale.

    {Rood tree}, the cross. [Obs.] ``Died upon the rood tree.''

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