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 rigorous ['rigәrәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 严厉的, 严酷的, 严格的, 苛刻的, 严密的, 精确的

    [ adj ]
    1. rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard

    2. <adj.all>
      rigorous application of the law
      a strict vegetarian
    3. demanding strict attention to rules and procedures

    4. <adj.all>
      rigorous discipline
      tight security
      stringent safety measures

    Rigorous \Rig"or*ous\, a. [F. rigoureux, LL. rigorosus. See
    1. Manifesting, exercising, or favoring rigor; allowing no
    abatement or mitigation; scrupulously accurate; exact;
    strict; severe; relentless; as, a rigorous officer of
    justice; a rigorous execution of law; a rigorous
    definition or demonstration.

    He shall be thrown down the Tarpeian Rock
    With rigorous hands. --Shak.

    We do not connect the scattered phenomena into their
    rigorous unity. --De Quincey.

    2. Severe; intense; inclement; as, a rigorous winter.

    3. Violent. [Obs.] ``Rigorous uproar.'' --Spenser.

    4. (Mathematics, Logic) Adhering scrupulously and exactly to
    accepted principles; hence, logically valid; as, a
    rigorous proof.

    Syn: Rigid; inflexible; unyielding; stiff; severe; austere;
    stern; harsh; strict; exact.
    -- {Rig"or*ous*ly}, adv. --
    {Rig"or*ous*ness}, n.

    1. So when party leader Neil Kinnock spoke of the need for realism, he meant recognizing the irrevocable change wrought by nearly 10 years of Mrs. Thatcher's rigorous brand of conservatism.
    2. Mr. Monroe said ComputerLand fired the employees and later closed its Hong Kong office, ended its Chinese operations and instituted rigorous controls in Australia.
    3. Such rigorous procedures have proved daunting to many foreign institutional investors, who initially were eager to invest in Taiwan shares under market-opening measures announced in late December.
    4. A Glaxo spokesman confirmed that legal action was being taken but added: 'Sumatriptan has been subject to rigorous screening throughout its development and is now licensed in 67 markets worldwide and has been taken by over one million patients.'
    5. "The Mexican army," he asks, "is going to the Gulf, too?" "They're very rigorous.
    6. Sir Leon Brittan, the EC competition commissioner, has adopted an altogether tougher and more rigorous stance than the MMC.
    7. No matter that the main impact was to dampen domestic demand for credit, it further underlined the Bundesbank's determination to hold its rigorous anti-inflation line.
    8. Nine out of 10 candidates fail the rigorous written exams and blind tastings.
    9. It is innovative and rigorous, yet its task is to reintroduce us to the wisdom of Jefferson.
    10. Gregory, who markets "Dick Gregory's Slim-Safe Bahamian Diet Nutritional Drink Mix," put Hudson on a rigorous diet, substituting liquid for his breakfast of a dozen eggs and his dinner of two chickens.
    11. Tony Broderick, head of regulation and certification for the Federal Aviation Administration, said Northeast Jet, operating as Personal Jet Services, met rigorous FAA qualifications to gain a new certificate.
    12. Outer movements were delivered with rigorous accents, which became pedantic when Maazel decided to underline crucial turning-points in the structure.
    13. She repeatedly complained of exhaustion, overtraining and physical disorders as a result of her rigorous training and competition schedule.
    14. An teen-ager whose 9-month-old son died after being left alone in a hot car was sentenced to a rigorous probation program that includes boot camp.
    15. "When you put any organization through a rigorous situation, they're going to learn and it's going to forge them into a more cohesive unit and they learn how to work with adversity.
    16. But money is not just being spent for the sake of it. First, individual systems face rigorous cost-benefit analysis.
    17. The region still produces a lot of steel, autos, trucks and machinery, but rigorous streamlining has put many of those industries in far stronger condition.
    18. The dry acreage is landfill, the spokeswoman said, and California law mandates that before landfill can be developed it must undergo rigorous tests for pollutants, among other things.
    19. Wise said many of the criticisms of current programs are that they do not adequately prepare teachers academically and fail to provide rigorous teacher training or classroom methods.
    20. Planned investments have been subjected to the most rigorous examination, and, in many cases, scrapped.
    21. They and their wives sometimes vacation together and have even taken a rigorous monthlong trip to New Guinea and other South Pacific spots.
    22. He also urged stronger health and safety standards and rigorous enforcement of anti-monopoly laws, and said citizens should have the right to file class action lawsuits.
    23. But to start earning a paycheck, graduates often must undergo more rigorous screening than their predecessors.
    24. Since then, it has generally been assumed to be so rigorous that investors could trust Spanish banks' assessments of their asset value. Following the 1970s banking crisis, the central bank has built up a team of 160 inspectors.
    25. Louis Oberdorfer, a district judge sitting on the appeals court for the case, said the wastes don't fit a category of high-volume, low-hazard wastes that are sometimes excluded from the most rigorous regulation.
    26. However, Cavazos said the Bush administration supports the goals of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, which plans to start offering the certificates in 1993 to qualified applicants who make it through a rigorous evaluation process.
    27. State procurement prices for some farm products will rise, but "rigorous control" will be exercised over most other prices, he said.
    28. Concessions would be limited to a relaxation of Mr Guzman's rigorous prison conditions, which appear to have affected him profoundly. In the video recording, the long-feared Sendero leader looked a shadow of his former combative self.
    29. Proponents say LISC was designed to cut the risks of CDC projects by insisting on rigorous lending and management standards.
    30. Every effort will be made to restore the public's confidence in the Tories as the party of sound money, the nation state, law and order, and a rigorous education.
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