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 retractor [rɪ'træktɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 食言的人, 牵拉肌, 牵开器

[医] 牵开器, 缩肌

    [ noun ]
    surgical instrument that holds back the edges of a surgical incision

    Retractor \Re*tract"or\ (r[-e]*tr[=a]kt"[~e]r), n.
    One who, or that which, retracts. Specifically:
    (a) In breech-loading firearms, a device for withdrawing a
    cartridge shell from the barrel.
    (b) (Surg.) An instrument for holding apart the edges of a
    wound during amputation.
    (c) (Surg.) A bandage to protect the soft parts from injury
    by the saw during amputation.
    (d) (Anat. & Zo["o]l.) A muscle serving to draw in any organ
    or part. See Illust. under {Phylactol[ae]mata}.

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