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 retaining fee 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Retainer \Re*tain"er\, n.
    1. One who, or that which, retains.

    2. One who is retained or kept in service; an attendant; an
    adherent; a hanger-on.

    3. Hence, a servant, not a domestic, but occasionally
    attending and wearing his master's livery. --Cowell.

    4. (Law)
    (a) The act of a client by which he engages a lawyer or
    counselor to manage his cause.
    (b) The act of withholding what one has in his hands by
    virtue of some right.
    (c) A fee paid to engage a lawyer or counselor to maintain
    a cause, or to prevent his being employed by the
    opposing party in the case; -- called also {retaining
    fee}. --Bouvier. --Blackstone.

    5. The act of keeping dependents, or the state of being in
    dependence. --Bacon.

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