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 resigned [rɪ'zaɪnd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 服从的, 听任的, 已辞职的

    Resign \Re*sign"\ (r?-z?n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Resigned}
    (-z?nd"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Resigning}.] [F. r['e]signer, L.
    resignare to unseal, annul, assign, resign; pref. re- re- +
    signare to seal, stamp. See {Sign}, and cf. {Resignation}.]
    1. To sign back; to return by a formal act; to yield to
    another; to surrender; -- said especially of office or
    emolument. Hence, to give up; to yield; to submit; -- said
    of the wishes or will, or of something valued; -- also
    often used reflexively.

    I here resign my government to thee. --Shak.

    Lament not, Eve, but patiently resign
    What justly thou hast lost. --Milton.

    What more reasonable, than that we should in all
    things resign up ourselves to the will of God?

    2. To relinquish; to abandon.

    He soon resigned his former suit. --Spenser.

    3. To commit to the care of; to consign. [Obs.]

    Gentlement of quality have been sent beyong the
    seas, resigned and concredited to the conduct of
    such as they call governors. --Evelyn.

    Syn: To abdicate; surrender; submit; leave; relinquish;
    forego; quit; forsake; abandon; renounce.

    Usage: {Resign}, {Relinquish}. To resign is to give up, as if
    breaking a seal and yielding all it had secured;
    hence, it marks a formal and deliberate surrender. To
    relinquish is less formal, but always implies
    abandonment and that the thing given up has been long
    an object of pursuit, and, usually, that it has been
    prized and desired. We resign what we once held or
    considered as our own, as an office, employment, etc.
    We speak of relinquishing a claim, of relinquishing
    some advantage we had sought or enjoyed, of
    relinquishing seme right, privilege, etc. ``Men are
    weary with the toil which they bear, but can not find
    it in their hearts to relinquish it.'' --Steele. See

    Resigned \Re*signed"\ (r[-e]*z[imac]nd"), a.
    Submissive; yielding; not disposed to resist or murmur.

    A firm, yet cautious mind;
    Sincere, though prudent; constant, yet resigned.

    1. Others resigned themselves to staying.
    2. Ward Bushee became executive editor of the Reno Gazette-Journal on July 16, replacing Charlie Waters, who resigned.
    3. Cache also said all of its board members resigned.
    4. All 11 members of the Eelavur Democratic Front resigned from Parliament today. "We do not want to be dormant spectators who witness the tormentation of our people," they said in a statement.
    5. Begin resigned abruptly in 1983, at the height of Israel's military involvement in Lebanon.
    6. Some Soviet soldiers are resigned to going home, but want to buy as much as possible to take with them.
    7. Walters then also resigned.
    8. In August, all 78 opposition members of parliament resigned en masse, accusing Roh of railroading bills and ignoring demands for reforms.
    9. President Sarney's chief of staff resigned to assume control of Brazil's conservative Liberal Front Party.
    10. Two executives of Tokyo Aircraft Instrument Co. resigned from their managerial posts because one of their subordinates allegedly sold information to Soviet officials between April 1986 and July 1987, a company spokesman said.
    11. Mr. Buchsbaum resigned "as a result of concern for his family," Holly said.
    12. Bilak, 71, is a party ideologist linked to the late Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev and was believed to oppose economic reforms favored by Lubomir Strougal, the premier who resigned in October.
    13. He resigned from USAir on June 26, and so did W. Howard Mackinnon, Piedmont's chief financial officer, and Richard L. James, the vice president of planning.
    14. Uno resigned to take responsibility for the July election loss, leaving the Liberal Democrats in their worst crisis since the party was formed in 1955 and began enjoying uninterrupted rule.
    15. Heimbaugh resigned from the sheriff's department and works as a cab driver and bartender in San Francisco.
    16. Bork resigned after his nomination to the Supreme Court was rejected by the Senate in the most bitter judicial fight of recent years.
    17. Fink resigned from R.P. Scherer in November after opposing the sale of the company in an unsuccessful proxy battle with heirs of the founder.
    18. She will succeed William von Raab, who resigned under pressure in July.
    19. In addition, the company said Lou Miceli, vice president and chief financial officer, was elected a director and that Russell Carson and Joseph Manganello had resigned from the board.
    20. After nine years with Bankers Trust, Mr. Beim, 46 years old, resigned Friday after what he terms "differences of personality and style" with deputy chairman Charles S. Sanford Jr.
    21. Then he resigned again and flew to India for a vacation.
    22. As a result, Anthony Greayer resigned as chief executive and a board member of Hoare Govett.
    23. ONGPIN WAS REPLACED as Manila's finance chief and Laurel resigned a post.
    24. It is also acquiring Trenton Group, an exhibitions company. Mr Brian Gilbert, MBC chairman until he resigned in November 1990 after disagreements with the late Mr Robert Maxwell, is buying 25 industrial titles based in Kent.
    25. The losses reflect the deepening of the mini-conglomerate's problems since it announced in October that former Chairman David T. Marantette III resigned amid reports that he and OTF affiliates owed the company more than $2 million.
    26. Gayoom, 50, was elected president in 1978 after Nasir resigned and fled to Singapore.
    27. Rolf Noppen, executive vice president and a director, resigned to pursue other opportunities.
    28. As he was being interviewed for the special counsel job, Mr. Phelan resigned as a Simon delegate rather than attend last week's Democratic convention, which Mr. Wright chaired.
    29. Since impeachment is the ultimate political punishment, the word would seem to be one that would get any president's attention. Nixon resigned rather than face an impeachment trial in the Senate.
    30. Col. Ochoa resigned from the armed forces last month after 26 years of service because he was in disagreement with the policies of the Christian Democrat government.
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