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 residency ['rezidәnsi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 住处

[法] 住处, 管辖区

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of dwelling in a place

    2. <noun.act>
    3. the position of physician who is receiving special training in a hospital (usually after completing an internship)

    4. <noun.act>

    Residency \Res"i*den*cy\ (-den-s?), n.
    1. Residence. [Obsoles.]

    2. A political agency at a native court in British India,
    held by an officer styled the Resident; also, a Dutch
    commercial colony or province in the East Indies.

    1. With the 90-day permits, workers can qualify for temporary residency.
    2. In 1907, the Plaza opened as a permanent residency hotel and later became a commercial hotel.
    3. The new guidelines also grant three-year residency permits in exchange for the purchase of 10-year, nonredeemable, nontransferable Finance Ministry bonds.
    4. Distributed free at employment offices, churches and social service agencies, the booklets are lessons in applying for residency under the complex 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, better known as the amnesty program.
    5. The legal battle over Bayh's residency was triggered when Republican Gov. Robert D. Orr instructed the GOP-controlled State Election Board to consider Bayh's eligibility to hold the governor's office.
    6. In Metairie, the nearly all-white suburb of New Orleans where Duke was elected, a lawyer who convened a private meeting Monday night said that a group of citizens would sue, questioning Duke's residency, if the legislator's challenge failed.
    7. Those approved for temporary residency begin the process of applying for permanent residency.
    8. Those approved for temporary residency begin the process of applying for permanent residency.
    9. In October, Estonia's parliament under Kremlin pressure abandoned an attempt to impose residency requirements for voters, but it retained the requirement that a candidate in the election must have lived in Estonia for at least two years.
    10. If this were simply a question of residency, Mr. Lindsey would meet the test.
    11. The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last March that the residency restrictions are unlawful.
    12. Attorneys in the dispute over the residency of secretary of state Evan Bayh predict the case could reach the Indiana Supreme Court by the middle of April.
    13. The House killed a residency requirement for District of Columbia police officers on Tuesday, reflecting congressional concern that the rule was hurting recruiting while the crime rate went up.
    14. Defying the adage against investing in anything that eats, Alice Jane Snyder set out to make a go of show horses, a labor-intensive challenge taken on in the midst of a medical residency.
    15. You must have a legal interest in the homes: Buying residency in a retirement home doesn't qualify for the rollover, because you are buying future support, not property.
    16. It makes it easier for hospitals to recruit doctors and to operate residency programs.
    17. They will have to prove that to the satisfaction of Immigration and Naturalization Service investigators to be eligible for U.S. residency.
    18. A Shelby County judge today ruled that Secretary of State Evan Bayh meets the constitutional five-year residency requirement to be governor.
    19. Democrat State Rep. Ron Gomez said Duke's election would probably be challenged by the legislature on the residency issue.
    20. In 1984, however, the Alaska Supreme Court ruled the 25-year residency rule unconstitutional.
    21. The colonists include a lecherous middle-aged writer, a musician who composes works for piano and alarm clock, and Ruth Dershowitz, a talentless writer-wannabe whose main qualification for residency is her romance with Septima's son, Saxby.
    22. In such a case, the residency requirement is considered met if up to four of the five years are spent in a nursing home.
    23. School personnel checked our documents _ birth certificates, proof of residency and immunization records.
    24. A year ago the London Philharmonic took up a five year residency as the house orchestra at the South Bank.
    25. Those favoring the extension argue the Immigration and Naturalization Service reacted too slowly at the onset of the amnesty period, and did not get out the word to the immigrant communities to apply for temporary residency.
    26. In the Ukrainian republic, a Moscow activist reported that thousands of people gathered at rallies to demand stricter residency requirements in a local election law.
    27. A convicted Italian terrorist who was released from prison when Greece refused to extradite him to Italy has applied for residency in Greece, his lawyer said.
    28. Mr. Schramm, faced with the once-unthinkable question of non-Texas ownership of Texas' pride and joy, said Texas residency wasn't a requirement to join the buy-out group.
    29. But the 518-member assembly only half-heartedly endorsed the document on Wednesday, partly because of a recommendation to give immigrants the right to vote in local elections after five years of residency.
    30. Lee also said proposals under which only certain groups in Hong Kong could qualify for residency in Britain would not be in the interest of the territory.
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