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 researcher [ri:'sә:tʃә添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 研究人员

    [ noun ]
    a scientist who devotes himself to doing research

    Researcher \Re*search"er\ (-[~e]r), n.
    One who conducts research. In the field of scientific
    research, also called an {investigator} or {scientist}.

    1. In animal tests, the liposome vaccine produced "significantly" more antibodies than did a vaccine alone, says Philip Livingston, a Sloan-Kettering researcher.
    2. They grew in number from 7,500 in 1978 to 19,400 in 1991. The Royal Society says no researcher should have to undertake more than two short-term contracts.
    3. Shiseido Co., Japan's leading cosmetics maker, says its Australian and Singapore subsidiaries are recalling six skin care products containing an acid that one Australian researcher linked to skin cancer.
    4. "This is a small but crucial step to treating a whole array of genetic diseases," said Dr. R. Michael Blaese, another cancer institute researcher on the project.
    5. Lurie's family was given exit visas in 1979, but the authorites revoked them on the grounds of state secrecy because her husband worked in a classified job as a organic chemistry researcher for two years in the 1960s, she said.
    6. But for brain tests, the unwieldy machines "would have required patients to stand on their heads," says Reginald Bickford, a researcher at the University of California at San Diego.
    7. Some other researchers agree: "I think it's quite legitimate to call Collaborative's work a genome map," says Ronald Davis, a researcher at Stanford University.
    8. "While the risk is small, there is some risk and the risk is real," said AIDS researcher Dr. Robert Klein, co-author of an editorial accompanying the two studies.
    9. The onset of AIDS in people with mild infections of the HIV virus can be delayed with early treatment of AZT and makes it "almost a whole new drug," a leading researcher said.
    10. Another researcher called the findings a "hopeful statement" for exasperated parents of teen-agers.
    11. Donald Vinson, who oversees the experiments, isn't some white-coated researcher.
    12. Stephen Rosenberg, a leading researcher at the National Cancer Institute, says, "I haven't used their machine for any therapy, nor do I have any plans to."
    13. If you pay less, you get less." Shortell, a health services researcher at Northwestern University, published his findings in the New England Journal of Medicine.
    14. Gary Beauchamp, a Monnell researcher who worked on the baby project, adds: "It is possible that early experiences with odor form early attachments that go on forever."
    15. Psychiatrists and psychologists who viewed old home movies usually were able to identify children who would be diagnosed with schizophreia as adults, a researcher says.
    16. And University of San Francisco dolphin researcher Diana Reiss says that even if the wild dolphins should perform on cue, it could be because of coincidence and not language.
    17. One of them, a London Weekend Television researcher, said he left a package on a Japan Airlines flight without being challenged.
    18. The estimate comes from a study published in the December issue of Environment International by A. Judson Wells, a researcher in Wilmington, Del., and a volunteer with the American Lung Association.
    19. One prominent ribavirin researcher, Peter Mansell, of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston, acknowledged he has received consultant's fees from ICN Pharmaceutical.
    20. The AIDS epidemic is causing an upsurge of tuberculosis in many countries, including the U.S., a World Health Organization researcher told an AIDS forum in London.
    21. According to Rima Khabbouz, a researcher at the CDC, those infected may be told that while it is believed the virus can be transmitted like AIDS, evidence of such transmissions is much less convincing than with AIDS.
    22. Inactivity threatens the health of a far greater proportion of Americans than any of the much-publicized evils of smoking, high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol, one researcher said.
    23. Studies showing that Accutane, an acne drug derived from Vitamin A, is as serious a cause of birth defects as thalidomide have raised concerns that vitamin A itself might cause birth defects, a researcher says.
    24. Public fear of pesticides is growing and politicians are poised to tighten regulations, but a researcher says incomplete information on the extent of agricultural chemical use could lead to bad law.
    25. Books that advocate Nazism and question whether the Holocaust occurred were on sale last week at state Rep. David Duke's house, says a researcher concerned that fellow legislators are not challenging Duke.
    26. More infants of low birth weight are dying from infections than ever before, but the death rate among such babies has dropped sharply, according to a federal researcher's study.
    27. Baker, a long-time researcher into egg safety, said in a telephone interview Wednesday that lab tests at 53 New York State farms last year failed to turn up any trace of salmonella enteritidis contamination.
    28. When a dam holding runoff broke and flooded a pristine bog in German Valley, researcher Joe Lange discovered that water leaving the bog was clear.
    29. Mr John Williams, researcher at WM Company, another UK performance measurement service, notes that while his service covers roughly 77 per cent of all UK pension assets, no US benchmark covers more than 20 per cent.
    30. "Al is well-known in the field," says Paul M. Grant, an International Business Machines Corp. superconductor researcher.
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