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 requital [ri'kwaitl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 酬答, 还礼

[法] 报答, 回报, 报复

    [ noun ]
    1. a justly deserved penalty

    2. <noun.possession>
    3. an act of requiting; returning in kind

    4. <noun.act>

    Requital \Re*quit"al\ (-al), n. [From {Requite}.]
    The act of requiting; also, that which requites; return, good
    or bad, for anything done; in a good sense, compensation;
    recompense; as, the requital of services; in a bad sense,
    retaliation, or punishment; as, the requital of evil deeds.

    No merit their aversion can remove,
    Nor ill requital can efface their love. --Waller.

    Syn: Compensation; recompense; remuneration; reward;
    satisfaction; payment; retribution; retaliation;
    reprisal; punishment.

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