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 reprehensible [,repri'hensәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 应斥责的, 应该谴责的

[法] 应受严责的, 应受指责的, 应受申斥的

    [ adj ]
    bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure
    a criminal waste of talenta deplorable act of violence
    adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife

    Reprehensible \Rep`re*hen"si*ble\ (-h?n"s?-b'l), a. [L.
    reprehensibilis: cf. F. r['e]pr['e]hensible.]
    Worthy of reprehension; culpable; censurable; blamable. --
    {Rep`re*hen"si*ble*ness}, n. -- {Rep`re*hen"si*bly}, adv.

    1. We consider it not only reprehensible but a punishable offense to insult in any way the human dignity of the inmates."
    2. In Madrid, the Spanish Foreign Office issued a statement for the 12-member EEC calling Rafsanjani's appeal "absolutely unacceptable." The Dutch government called his remarks "totally reprehensible" and urged joint EEC action.
    3. Genevieve anthropologist. "This is a totally unethical and reprehensible action by the city of Peoria.
    4. It is totally reprehensible," Marshall said.
    5. "We find it reprehensible, the action they've taken," said Jeffrey Lehman of Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co. Inc., advisers to UIS.
    6. A special grand jury blasted Mayor W. Wilson Goode and his top aides for "morally reprehensible behavior" in the 1985 MOVE bombing that killed 11 people and destroyed 61 homes, but didn't recommend indictments.
    7. Boucher called them "reprehensible acts" and condemned them in the "strongest possible terms." "The violent extreme on the left and the right seek power through violence and terror," he said.
    8. The UN's special envoy to the former Yugoslavia, Yasushi Akashi, described the firing of rockets at Serb-held Brcko as 'reprehensible'.
    9. Shaffer labeled the recalcitrant lawmakers "reprehensible" for jeopardizing the city financially.
    10. Feb. 19 The Tacoma (Wash.) News Tribune on violence in Israeli-occupied areas: At first it seemed too reprehensible to be true.
    11. The man himself, in a remarkably frank autobiography, painted a portrait of a frankly reprehensible person redeemed by his honesty.
    12. It would be reprehensible and disgusting.
    13. "Any possible targeting of American personnel and facilities in retaliation for Abu Jihad's assassination would be totally reprehensible and unjustified.
    14. In 1979, Democratic Sen. Herman Talmadge of Georgia was formally denounced for reprehensible handling of government money.
    15. The committee's special counsel, Robert S. Bennett, suggested the panel recommend to the Senate that Durenberger be publicly denounced for "reprehensible" financial misconduct that brought "dishonor and disrepute" on the chamber.
    16. "Finding us guilty is merely a statement that the state considers the struggle for democracy, equality, justice, peace and a non-racial society to be morally and politically reprehensible," he said.
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