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 repetitive [ri'petitiv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 重复的, 反复性的

    [ adj ]
    1. characterized by repetition

    2. <adj.all>
      repetitive movement
    3. repetitive and persistent

    4. <adj.all>
      the bluejay's insistent cry

    Repetitive \Re*pet"i*tive\ (r?-p?t"?-t?v), a.
    Containing repetition; repeating. [R.]

    1. There are no such good reasons for showing odd episodes from The Buccaneers, The Adventures Of William Tell, The Persuaders and a lot of other ATV series which are banal, repetitive and best forgotten.
    2. Though not an easy read and sometimes repetitive, it is rich in insights.
    3. "I'm concerned that the new jobs will not be of a technical nature but more redundant, repetitive, less-skilled work that is lower paid," says John Hamilton, president of CWA Local 7800.
    4. Lyrics tend to be simple and repetitive, says Dennis Allen, a Nashville, Tenn., composer who is working on a songbook of 60 such tunes.
    5. Throughout history, OCD sufferers from Samuel Johnson to Howard Hughes have been slaves to the intrusive, irrational thoughts known as obsessions, and the senseless, repetitive rituals, or compulsions, that accompany them.
    6. "For executives that don't do a lot of repetitive analysis work, it may be just as well to rely on someone else," says Joseph Stegmayer, Worthington Industries Inc.'s chief financial officer, himself a regular user.
    7. The letters are almost invariably long, far longer, rambling, repetitive and anecdotal than ordinary business letters, but otherwise unsually well presented.
    8. "Trials have become repetitive, with the same issues and the same products being litigated time after time." The compromise plan would separate primary duties between three judges whose rulings have conflicted in the past.
    9. A NEW VIBROMETER looks like a promising tool to detect symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, a hand and wrist disease common among meat-plant employees and others whose jobs require repetitive motions, says the American Meat Institute.
    10. The country moved from paucity to plethora; from authoritarian diktat with no consultation at any level to a proliferation of forums where everyone can, must and does have their say however mundane, repetitive or ill-informed.
    11. "To Choose Freedom" is a sometimes repetitive, sometimes awkward rumination on Soviet evil and Western folly.
    12. "Carried to the extreme, some people spend eight hours in the shower," she said, noting the drug also is used to check "repetitive thoughts of random violence." Ms. Dann exhibited various symptoms of the disorder during the last few years.
    13. BRAIN offers solutions tailored to the needs of the automotive and apparel industries, as well as for repetitive and variant manufacturers.
    14. But the companies would not be cited for violations if monitoring showed they were making progress in eliminating repetitive motion hazards, Mrs. Dole said.
    15. The rhythm of the iron wheels lent itself to any number of repetitive lyrics."
    16. He endured repetitive engineering jobs and was made redundant a second time by a Sunderland cranemaker.
    17. The irony is that no composer is more of an individual than Tavener, treading the solitary path of spiritual self-discovery. His music may be repetitive like theirs, but it has arrived at this destination from a different place and for different reasons.
    18. This domestic, repetitive argument hardly seems a sound basis for formulating the policy of the largest economic power towards a country that may aspire to that position, some think by the end of the decade. China has changed.
    19. If this demonstration becomes occasionally catechistical and repetitive, it never suffers from want of the arresting and the provocative.
    20. It is repetitive, dull, tedious and very frustrating."
    21. Norman Strauss, a former Unilever PLC manager who is a consultant to several British and foreign companies, says that Americans don't mind doing boorish and repetitive work if that is what it takes to succeed.
    22. In a court filing, Mr. Amabile says the "repetitive and meandering" complaint fails to discriminate as to which wrongful acts were allegedly committed by which defendants.
    23. But interest waned and frustration mounted when the survivors' emotional accounts of Nazi atrocities were replaced by a time-consuming, often repetitive debate over the issue of identification.
    24. The legislation was pushed by a coalition of activists who cited dangers to VDT operators, including repetitive strain injury, back and neck pain, deteriorating vision and possible miscarriages.
    25. Of 240,000 illnesses reported by employers for 1988, 115,400 _ 48 percent _ were associated with repeated trauma, the department's term for illnesses blamed on repetitive motion.
    26. They also say customers worry that children will tire quickly of the toys' repetitive chatter.
    27. Plants that process red meat will be the first to test government guidelines aimed at reducing repetitive motion trauma in the workplace, Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole said.
    28. A good memory is less important, for example, whereas the patience to perform repetitive tasks with vigilance and fine accuracy is much more so.
    29. There is nothing for it but to Emote on the spot, which they all do to their hopeful best. Even Josephine Barstow's Kostelnicka seems to be trapped in a neck-brace throughout, and at her great crises she is reduced to repetitive arm-twitches.
    30. Meat-processing employees can suffer injury from repetitive motions required by their work on slaughter-house processing lines.
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