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 removal [ri'mu:vl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 移动, 移居, 迁移, 排除, 切除

[医] 切除, 除去

[经] 拆迁, 搬运, 解除

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of removing

    2. <noun.act>
      he had surgery for the removal of a malignancy
    3. dismissal from office

    4. <noun.act>

    Removal \Re*mov"al\ (-al), n.
    The act of removing, or the state of being removed.

    1. Announcing a further crackdown on asbestos, the Environmental Protection Agency said it sued 34 companies and individuals found to have violated federal rules governing removal of the cancer-causing substance.
    2. The U.S. must also demand removal of hundreds of Soviet advisers, the cessation of military supplies and a review of treaties that might tie Afghanistan inextricably to Moscow.
    3. A spot check of the residents showed that most were opposed to temporary removal but would accept permanent relocation if the government would help pay for it.
    4. "This defendant is the third defendant in this case whose presence in this country is the result of forcible removal from his country," Rafeedie said.
    5. Pakistan Radio broadcast appeals for missing people, and Prime Minister Mohammad Khan Junejo ordered the removal of dangerous ordnance from populated areas.
    6. Even Neil Moore, the chief representative for unionised office staff at York, who regrets the gradual removal of various aspects of managerial decision-making to Nestle's Swiss and UK headquarters, says he has 'no strong feelings'.
    7. A federal appeals court today upheld the tax evasion conviction that led to the imprisonment and removal from office of U.S. District Judge Harry Claiborne of Nevada.
    8. The industry has lobbied hard for their removal, particularly in the face of competition from the National Lottery. Coral, the 700-shop chain owned by Bass, said the most important change was to allow ordinary shopfronts.
    9. One appeared to improve dramatically after removal of her silicone-gel implants, even though the disease is widely thought to be irreversible, Dr. Patten noted.
    10. Guidelines attached to Rose's testimony said that by law, willful use or authorization of a government vehicle for other than official purposes must be punished by suspension of at least 30 days or removal.
    11. Their preferred course is to identify specific trade barriers and demand their removal.
    12. President Reagan celebrated German-American Day by calling for the removal of the Berlin Wall, which he called "a horrendous scar," dividing East and West Germany.
    13. "Plans are in motion for the eventual removal of Allied Checkpoint Charlie.
    14. Entenmann would not comment on whether Crane had agreed to allow the life-support removal in exchange for leniency for his wife.
    15. If they were refused leave to appeal there would be no further appeals and they could face immediate removal from the UK.
    16. Ten years ago: After a 17-hour debate, Israel's Knesset, or parliment, voted 84-19 to approve the Camp David peace accords with Egypt, which included a call for the removal of Jewish settlements from the Sinai peninsula.
    17. Gadhafi is believed to want Libya's removal from the U.S. State Department's list of countries supporting terrorism.
    18. Mr. Aragon's removal leaves the board with seven directors.
    19. The humiliating removal from power of Kuwait's royal family has raised questions about how long other longtime rulers can survive in desert kingdoms carved out by the swords of their Bedouin ancestors.
    20. It may for a while appear to accept the implementation of United Nations resolutions, such as the return of weapons inspectors to Baghdad and the removal of missiles systems from the exclusion zone north of the 36th parallel and south of the 32nd.
    21. Saturday's clashes began when members of the Islamic Students Organization -which had been agitating for the removal of the university's vice chancellor - beat up students attending classes.
    22. Some researchers have altered TPA to hamper removal by the liver, and perhaps that approach can be combined with that of the new study to create a longer-lasting drug, he and Sambrook said.
    23. But surely neither acts of desperation nor lofty removal from dealing with the reality of the Arab-Israeli conflict can address Palestinian nationalism in a meaningful, non-violent way.
    24. He said the Energy Department has developed other technologies related to hazardous waste removal, but he said he didn't know whether the department has licensing agreements for those technologies.
    25. It also includes a provision that allows for temporary removal of an animal from a research facility to document whether the animal is being treated properly according to existing law.
    26. The CF model is equipped with a big cargo door on the forward left side of the fuselage that opens to allow the removal of passenger seats, racks and galleys.
    27. They also demanded removal of nuclear weapons they claim the United States is storing in South Korea.
    28. Hampton's comments in an interview last week in the Dallas Times Herald prompted the gay community and equal rights activists to seek his removal from the bench.
    29. It calls for free and fair elections in Nicaragua and for democratic reforms, including the removal of restrictions on the press and the release of political prisoners.
    30. Some 1,000 Chinese studying in the U.S. signed an unprecedented open letter to the Peking leadership expressing "deep anxiety" over the recent removal of Hu Yaobang as Communist Party chief and government suppression of free speech.
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