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 remodeling 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 重新塑造(改型,重作)

    1. Then he used most of his 1987 profit to catch up on his debt payments, postponing a planned remodeling of the farmhouse and other personal expenses.
    2. The acquisition provides for new stores and remodeling of existing stores.
    3. Four construction workers who were remodeling the building where the blaze broke out Wednesday afternoon were hospitalized, and at least two firefighters were treated for smoke inhalation, officials said.
    4. Bob Vila got kicked out of the "House" and decided to go "Home." For 10 years, Vila was host of "This Old House," the highest-rated show on public television, teaching viewers home renovation and remodeling techniques.
    5. In response, the National Trust for Historic Preservation last year sponsored a contest on remodeling old barns for modern uses.
    6. Martin Azola, chairman of the of the National Association of Realtors' remodeling council, believes the pace will quicken to $98 billion this year and to more than $100 billion in 1989.
    7. Genzyme said the companies will try to improve a preliminary version of the drug using Genzyme's "carbohydrate remodeling technology," a method of altering molecules to make them more effective and safer as drugs.
    8. She and her architect husband have also canceled dinners out, cleaning help and home remodeling projects and are "trying to milk our 1983 car to 100,000 miles." But she doesn't miss her old frazzled life.
    9. In other categories, home improvement and remodeling companies ranked fourth, receiving 46,000 complaints compared with 45,750 the previous year.
    10. American Standard has made restructuring moves, strengthening its position in the repair and remodeling markets and emphasizing lines with higher margins.
    11. The shaft Kevin fell into is about 18-inches wide at the top and was to be filled with reinforced concrete for a remodeling project.
    12. The Central Park Zoo, New York, is nearing the end of a $29 million remodeling.
    13. The new weekly half-hour show will feature do-it-yourself remodeling jobs the average consumer can afford.
    14. "It's not as major a change as that because it doesn't involve physical remodeling of stores and it will take place in a more concentrated period of time," he said. "This is much less of a physical challenge than the Store of the Future.
    15. Mr. Nielsen notes that repair and remodeling aren't as affected by weather as new construction.
    16. Many developers are covering remodeling costs and even paying tenants' moving expenses.
    17. The city council passed an ordinance to require that all commercial construction or remodeling be done in the Bavarian theme and be approved by a design review committee.
    18. Space shuttle Columbia, fresh out of a three-year remodeling job, was rolled closer to the launch pad Monday for final touches before carrying a secret Pentagon payload into space.
    19. Many such small fry trim back to skeleton crews of family members and take to remodeling kitchens or patching roofs to keep some money coming in.
    20. For fancy remodeling jobs featured in magazine layouts, he said, the cost is probably $100 a square foot.
    21. But analysts say the grocery chain has had no problems paying interest on the nearly $1 billion debt that remains while remodeling and adding stores as needed.
    22. The company said it estimates the Desert Inn remodeling will cost about $32 million, and the refurbishment of the three DC-8-62 aircraft, made by McDonnell Douglas Corp., will cost around $24.5 million.
    23. Whatever use the figures are put to, anybody who undertakes a remodeling job should be aware that the initial estimate is not always the final one.
    24. In the durable goods category, building materials advanced 2.2 percent and furniture and other home furnishing sales gained 1.6 percent, reflecting in part, analysts said, both increased home sales and remodeling.
    25. American Brands Inc., moving to take advantage of the lucrative home remodeling market, said Friday it would buy The Moen Group, a plumbing fixture manufacturer, for $975 million in cash.
    26. The remodeling also included replacing troublesome hallways with outside entrances for each apartment.
    27. Construction workers are busy remodeling the couple's house.
    28. The only other construction job she had ever supervised was remodeling her house.
    29. Prior to that, he spent 28 years remodeling homes.
    30. The drugs also block the action of bone cells, called osteoclasts, that normally break down bone material in a natural process called bone remodeling.
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