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 relevant ['rɛləvənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有关联的, 有关系的, 适当的, 相应的

[法] 有关的, 相关的

    [ adj ]
    having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
    the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research

    Relevant \Rel"e*vant\ (-vant), a. [F. relevant, p. pr. of
    relever to raise again, to relieve. See {Relieve}.]
    1. Relieving; lending aid or support. [R.] --Pownall.

    2. Bearing upon, or properly applying to, the case in hand;
    pertinent; applicable.

    Close and relevant arguments have very little hold
    on the passions. --Sydney

    3. (Scots Law) Sufficient to support the cause.

    1. Fitting the consultant to the problem is clearly as relevant as the employee to the job. Adrian Furnham is a Reader in Psychology at University College London and head of its Business Psychology Unit.
    2. It is a mission that remains relevant in the post-segregation era.
    3. Decides to remain actively and permanently seized of the matter until Kuwait has regained its independence and peace has been restored in conformity with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council; (B) 12.
    4. None of the relevant leading indicators - such as the rate of capacity utilisation in capital goods industries - point to an early upturn.
    5. The base RPI for the 1996 issue is 67.9 (the figure for July 1980) and if the issue were redeemed today, the relevant index would be April's 138.8 (both figures are given on the FT prices pages, under British funds).
    6. "If there is evidence relevant diaries were withheld, redacted or blacked out then I would want" the House intelligence or judiciary committees to "conduct an investigation," said Hamilton.
    7. White said the proper comparison is between the racial composition of the skilled jobs and the racial composition of the qualified population in the relevant labor market.
    8. Why is that relevant?
    9. 'It will guarantee that shares in companies that are prospecting have liquidity.' The second initiative is to pool information and resources at the federal and state levels and share them with companies that hold mining permits in relevant regions.
    10. "We need more women in government," she says, "and a business background there could be very relevant."
    11. He said the public's right to know was not at issue since federal investigators release all relevant information from crash tapes.
    12. This attitude is shared by all sectors of the economy, particularly by the business community of which we are an important part, as we have over 2,000 members, including the most prestigious and relevant firms and persons in the country.
    13. It would symbolise the reunification of Europe; would put someone from eastern Europe in an important pulpit; and would endow the EBRD with relevant experience at its highest level.
    14. But not all documents can be easily altered or summarized and Gesell said he won't spend much time on that process, particularly since Walsh says 50,000 pages are relevant to the case.
    15. All these moves are as relevant to regional power projection as to the more insular objectives of Mr. Dibb.
    16. Walsh said that "a much smaller number but still a large number" of documents were relevant to the case.
    17. Unfortunately, gross investment expenditures can be measured more accurately than net investment or net national saving, which are more relevant economic variables.
    18. The yield was 68 basis points above the relevant three-year U.S. Treasury issue.
    19. Asked whether the president believed Quayle should be dropped from the ticket, Fitzwater said: "It is not a relevant question." "Senator Quayle is the vice presidential candidate and he's a good one," he said.
    20. The Fifth Amendment states in relevant part that no person "shall be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself."
    21. The screen shows all the sports for which betting is available; the user touches a sport option to list all the relevant events.
    22. Last December 17, Judge Victor Carlson found that "these discovery abuses were knowingly and willfully done with a view of preventing plaintiffs from obtaining relevant evidence."
    23. It is only relevant in the individual imaginations of the young, in its ability to communicate on behalf of the incoherent and the illiterate.
    24. "Whatever information damaging to George Bush that may exist, that information was not going to be raised in our motion unless it was relevant to the case," said Noriega's attorney, Neal Sonnett.
    25. The judge had previously warned that unless the defense gets access to the material and is able to obtain government declassification of relevant documents, he might be forced to dismiss charges in the case.
    26. You can do this while listening, she says, by nodding, "smiling and/or laughing" or by "asking relevant questions that indicate interest."
    27. (He already has jurisdiction over monopoly references, where whole industries are referred to the MMC.) In making his recommendation on merger references, the director-general takes advice from officials in the relevant government departments.
    28. Offer and Ofgas, he said, did not have 'the wider interests or the relevant powers to conduct energy policy'.
    29. To many such questions, still relevant today, Ms Shepherd brings a firm historical perspective and an open mind. One reservation.
    30. Grey, however, did use what Mr. McWhinney called, "relevant promotional ideas," such as sending globes speckled with red dots indicating cities around the world where the agency has offices.
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