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 reguli 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Regulus \Reg"u*lus\ (-l?s), n.; pl. E. {Reguluses} (-?z), L.
    {Reguli} (-l?). [L., a petty king, prince, dim. of rex,
    regis, a king: cf. F. r['e]gule. See {Regal}.]
    1. A petty king; a ruler of little power or consequence.

    2. (Chem. & Metal.) The button, globule, or mass of metal, in
    a more or less impure state, which forms in the bottom of
    the crucible in smelting and reduction of ores.

    Note: The name was introduced by the alchemists, and applied
    by them in the first instance to antimony. It signifies
    little king; and from the facility with which antimony
    alloyed with gold, these empirical philosophers had
    great hopes that this metal, antimony, would lead them
    to the discovery of the philosopher's stone. --Ure.

    3. (Astron.) A star of the first magnitude in the
    constellation Leo; -- called also the {Lion's Heart}.

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