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 refractive [rɪ'fræktɪv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 折射的, 有折射力的

[医] 折射的, 屈光的

    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to or capable of refraction

    2. <adj.pert>
      the refractive characteristics of the eye
    3. capable of changing the direction (of a light or sound wave)

    4. <adj.all>

    Refractive \Re*fract"ive\ (r?*fr?kt"?v), a. [Cf. F.
    r['e]fractif. See {Refract}.]
    Serving or having power to refract, or turn from a direct
    course; pertaining to refraction; as, refractive surfaces;
    refractive powers.

    {Refractive index}. (Opt.) See {Index of refraction}, under

    {Absolute refractive index} (Opt.), the index of refraction
    of a substances when the ray passes into it from a vacuum.

    {Relative refractive index} (of two media) (Opt.), the ratio
    of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the
    angle of refraction for a ray passing out of one of the
    media into the other.

    1. In today's optical cable systems, signals sent by laser light pulses deteriorate over long distances due to the glass fiber's refractive qualities.
    2. That changes the refractive qualities of the crystalline structure, leaving in the crystals a picture of a page of data.
    3. For instance, single refractive lenses typically cause aberrations, such as bending blue light more than red. Engineers traditionally solve the problem in cameras and other devices by adding corrective lenses.
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