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 reflect [ri'flekt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 反射, 反映, 招致, 深思

vi. 被反射, 映出, 深思, 考虑, 指责

[医] 反射

  1. The results reflect the greatest credit upon all concerned.
  2. The sunlight was reflected in the water.

[ verb ]
  1. manifest or bring back

  2. <verb.perception>
    This action reflects his true beliefs
  3. reflect deeply on a subject

  4. <verb.cognition> chew over contemplate excogitate meditate mull mull over muse ponder ruminate speculate think over
    I mulled over the events of the afternoon
    philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years
    The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate
  5. to throw or bend back (from a surface)

  6. <verb.perception>
    Sound is reflected well in this auditorium
  7. be bright by reflecting or casting light

  8. <verb.weather>
    Drive carefully--the wet road reflects
  9. show an image of

  10. <verb.perception>
    her sunglasses reflected his image
  11. give evidence of a certain behavior

  12. <verb.communication>
    His lack of interest in the project reflects badly on him
  13. give evidence of the quality of

  14. <verb.communication>
    The mess in his dorm room reflects on the student

Reflect \Re*flect"\ v. i.
1. To throw back light, heat, or the like; to return rays or

2. To be sent back; to rebound as from a surface; to revert;
to return.

Whose virtues will, I hope,
Reflect on Rome, as Titan's rays on earth. --Shak.

3. To throw or turn back the thoughts upon anything; to
contemplate. Specifically: To attend earnestly to what
passes within the mind; to attend to the facts or
phenomena of consciousness; to use attention or earnest
thought; to meditate; especially, to think in relation to
moral truth or rules.

We can not be said to reflect upon any external
object, except so far as that object has been
previously perceived, and its image become part and
parcel of our intellectual furniture. --Sir W.

All men are concious of the operations of their own
minds, at all times, while they are awake, but there
few who reflect upon them, or make them objects of
thought. --Reid.

As I much reflected, much I mourned. --Prior.

4. To cast reproach; to cause censure or dishonor.

Errors of wives reflect on husbands still. --Dryden.

Neither do I reflect in the least upon the memory of
his late majesty. --Swift.

Syn: To consider; think; cogitate; mediate; contemplate;
ponder; muse; ruminate.

Reflect \Re*flect"\ (r?*fl?kt"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Reflected}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Reflecting}.] [L. reflectere,
reflexum; pref. re- re- + flectere to bend or turn. See
{Flexible}, and cf. {Reflex}, v.]
1. To bend back; to give a backwa?d turn to; to throw back;
especially, to cause to return after striking upon any
surface; as, a mirror reflects rays of light; polished
metals reflect heat.

Let me mind the reader to reflect his eye on our
quotations. --Fuller.

Bodies close together reflect their own color.

2. To give back an image or likeness of; to mirror.

Nature is the glass reflecting God,
As by the sea reflected is the sun. --Young.

  1. The households were selected to reflect a cross-section of the population.
  2. It does, however, reflect something of the changing nature of graduates that the accountancy firms are now seeking. The supply of graduates seeking accountancy jobs has probably never been higher.
  3. The rally followed a surge of buying on Wednesday and may reflect the market's uneasiness about the government's plan to ship $10 million worth of U.S. pork bellies to Poland as part of a food-aid package.
  4. With varying success, new video remembrances of John F. Kennedy reflect the magic and the fears of his 1,000 days in the White House.
  5. Both it and the building societies emphasised that the decision did not reflect dissatisfaction with the working relationship.
  6. The bid was trimmed by 3p to 777p. Smith & Nephew was slightly easier at 136p despite its defensive qualities. Nomura reduced its 1992 forecast by Pounds 5m to Pounds 145m, principally to reflect a weaker dollar.
  7. The gains reflect the acquisition of Heritage Communications in August 1987 as well as continued internal growth.
  8. In it, Revlon's board acknowledged that Mr. Bottner's remarks were "insensitive" and emphasized that they didn't reflect company policy.
  9. The losses reflect the deepening of the mini-conglomerate's problems since it announced in October that former Chairman David T. Marantette III resigned amid reports that he and OTF affiliates owed the company more than $2 million.
  10. Mellon's difficulties primarily reflect loan problems in its energy, foreign, commercial real estate, and traditional heavy-industry portfolios.
  11. Phil Toia, a Dreyfus vice president, said the results reflect a "conscious decision" on the part of the company to accomplish a longer-range goal of increasing the size of its funds.
  12. This would largely reflect the rationalisation moves.
  13. First-quarter results from the utility, due on Thursday, are expected to reflect the profits warning issued by Richard Giordano, chairman, at the annual general meeting last month.
  14. A Chrysler spokeswoman said the price increases partly reflect the fact that the latest models have standard equipment that was optional last year, but she declined to give details of the items that have been added to the newer models.
  15. The figures don't reflect the run-up in rates that began in January, economists said.
  16. This price will reflect adversely on the fate of the hostages we hold," it said.
  17. Some GM officials, however, say Grand Am prices should rise even further to reflect the addition of standard anti-skid brakes and other features.
  18. They fear that new legislative districts drawn to reflect the 1990 census might not be in place in time for March 1992, and the current legislative districts favor Democrats.
  19. A spokesman noted that the latest period's results reflect lower tax rates which went into effect July 1 as a result of the recent federal-tax overhaul.
  20. The number of congressional seats allocated to each state is shuffled every 10 years to reflect population changes.
  21. Its abolition would reflect the presumption of innocence, it said.
  22. Lead underwriter Salomon Brothers Inc. had no comment on investor response to the deal, but market players said the increase in size and post-pricing indications reflect strong investor demand.
  23. The principal must be marked down to reflect secondary market valuations."
  24. All the allies must agree that future NATO policy matters reflect a progressively larger European influence.
  25. The change would reflect declarations of independence or sovereignty by more than half of the 15 Soviet republics, including Russia, the largest.
  26. "It really shouldn't be that way," he said. "But unfortunately, that's part of our society." Jury sentencing disparities reflect "the kind of jurors we have in Dallas County," said lawyer Adelfa B. Callejo.
  27. Company officials say building popular options in as standard equipment will mean that base model prices more honestly reflect the prices customers actually will pay for cars.
  28. Says Ms. Pomerenke: "That's when our mosquitoes really get vicious." Maxxam said that the earnings mostly reflect results at its Kaiser Aluminum Corp. unit, which sold 13% of its stock in its initial public offering this month.
  29. He has said he seeks to push responsibility to lower levels and wants compensation for managers to reflect their groups' performance.
  30. The calculation of the rateable value will be based on April 1993 rental values; the calculation of the UBR will reflect the changing distribution of commercial property values across the UK. The UBR is set by the government in England and Wales.
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