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 recurring [rɪ'kɚɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 循环的

[医] 复发的, 再发的

[经] 经常的, 续生的, 再发生的

    [ adj ]
    coming back
    a revenant ghost

    Recur \Re*cur"\ (r?*k?r"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Recurred}
    (-k?rd"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Recurring}.] [L. recurrere; pref.
    re- re- + currere to run. See {Current}.]
    1. To come back; to return again or repeatedly; to come again
    to mind.

    When any word has been used to signify an idea, the
    old idea will recur in the mind when the word is
    heard. --I. Watts.

    2. To occur at a stated interval, or according to some
    regular rule; as, the fever will recur to-night.

    3. To resort; to have recourse; to go for help.

    If, to avoid succession in eternal existence, they
    recur to the ``punctum stans'' of the schools, they
    will thereby very little help us to a more positive
    idea of infinite duration. --Locke.

    {Recurring decimal} (Math.), a circulating decimal. See under

    {Recurring series} (Math.), an algebraic series in which the
    coefficients of the several terms can be expressed by
    means of certain preceding coefficients and constants in
    one uniform manner.

    1. Retailers have a recurring nightmare that seasonal shoppers will shy away from stores for fear of having to meet big bills later on. It almost never comes to pass; people get sentimental around the holidays and tend to over-spend.
    2. "I think it is they who make the most major changes, and reduce the probabilities of an event such as last October recurring."
    3. It highlights recurring errors and contains glossaries of financial, scientific and technical terms.
    4. And without workable recycling, communities with overflowing landfills must build unpopular, expensive disposal plants or face big recurring costs to ship garbage ever-longer distances.
    5. The group was making a smart turnaround until it reported recurring problems with its FSD-II nine-inch disk drive.
    6. The producer of video games and software is expected today to show a recurring profits decline, from Y61bn to Y51bn.
    7. PaineWebber also agreed to develop procedures to prevent such conduct from recurring.
    8. Miss Taylor has been plagued with health problems for years, particularly recurring back troubles from the filming of the 1945 movie "National Velvet," when she fell off a horse.
    9. I didn't want to be locked up that long." Lauria has a recurring role on ABC's "Hooperman" as Barbara Bosson's husband.
    10. The trade figures, unlike many other government economic statistics, are not adjusted to remove recurring seasonal effects, like the post-Christmas dip in exports.
    11. Chrysler officials said they are trying to find ways to prevent the problem from recurring.
    12. In August 1979, Mr. Amdahl, troubled by a recurring back injury, left the company.
    13. Instead of breaking even at the recurring level, it predicts a recurring loss of Y60bn and a net loss of Y65bn on sales of Y3,400bn.
    14. Instead of breaking even at the recurring level, it predicts a recurring loss of Y60bn and a net loss of Y65bn on sales of Y3,400bn.
    15. A recurring rumor that British investor Sir James Goldsmith is planning a bid for the company fueled the activity.
    16. Twenty-seven national Jewish organizations have banded together to try to resolve the recurring conflict over "who is a Jew" under Israel's law _ an issue presently shelved by a coalition government.
    17. Citing recurring vision problems, he retired after half a season with California the following year.
    18. On Wednesday, the Illinois EPA called for a study of the refinery to discover the cause of recurring spills, emissions and fires, and come up with ways to prevent them.
    19. McGraw-Hill jumped 3 to 68 5/8 on a report that Coniston Partners had acquired a 5% stake in the company, which has been the target of recurring takeover rumors.
    20. A recurring theme through their meetings has been concern that they might sell the company at what looks like a good premium now, but that might later look like a giveaway.
    21. But any plan to refinance the system must be accompanied by major reform. Our proposals will prevent such a crisis from recurring.
    22. In addition, interest rates rose today in the credit markets. Yields on long-term Treasury bonds have climbed of late back above 9 percent, driven in large measure by recurring worries about inflation.
    23. Mellon Chairman Frank V. Cahouet said third-quarter earnings reflected lower provisions for possible credit losses, a drop in recurring operating expenses and higher service income.
    24. I think he could get a little better press.' But on the issue that really matters - the state of the Trump Organisation - his recurring theme is that the business is stronger than ever.
    25. Clients with recurring but relatively minor problems, such as landlord-tenant disputes, say they love having an attorney on call to intervene.
    26. Excluding the stock offering and other one-time factors, earnings per share from recurring operations rose 20 percent, Contel said.
    27. I survived." Guilt at his survival translates into recurring nightmares.
    28. Because tax fairness and efficiency will be recurring issues in the states for many years to come, full public disclosure regarding revenues, windfalls and expenditures is absolutely critical.
    29. Traders attributed the rise to recurring rumors that Dart Group was interested in Dayton Hudson.
    30. In addition to the 18 times greater chance of a suicide attempt by people who suffer recurring panic attacks, the study found that such people also were twice as likely as those with other mental disorders to attempt suicide.
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