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 recovering   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    returning to health after illness or debility
    convalescent children are difficult to keep in bed

    Recover \Re*cov"er\ (r?*k?v"?r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Recovered}
    (-?rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Recovering}. ] [OE. recoveren, OF.
    recovrer, F. recouvrer, from L. recuperare; pref. re- re + a
    word of unknown origin. Cf.{Recuperate}.]
    1. To get or obtain again; to get renewed possession of; to
    win back; to regain.

    David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried
    away. --1. Sam. xxx.

    2. To make good by reparation; to make up for; to retrieve;
    to repair the loss or injury of; as, to recover lost time.
    ``Loss of catel may recovered be.'' --Chaucer.

    Even good men have many failings and lapses to
    lament and recover. --Rogers.

    3. To restore from sickness, faintness, or the like; to bring
    back to life or health; to cure; to heal.

    The wine in my bottle will recover him. --Shak.

    4. To overcome; to get the better of, -- as a state of mind
    or body.

    I do hope to recover my late hurt. --Cowley.

    When I had recovered a little my first surprise.
    --De Foe.

    5. To rescue; to deliver.

    That they may recover themselves out of the snare of
    the devil, who are taken captive by him. --2. Tim.
    ii. 26.

    6. To gain by motion or effort; to obtain; to reach; to come
    to. [Archaic]

    The forest is not three leagues off;
    If we recover that, we're sure enough. --Shak.

    Except he could recover one of the Cities of Refuge
    he was to die. --Hales.

    7. (Law) To gain as a compensation; to obtain in return for
    injury or debt; as, to recover damages in trespass; to
    recover debt and costs in a suit at law; to obtain title
    to by judgement in a court of law; as, to recover lands in
    ejectment or common recovery; to gain by legal process;
    as, to recover judgement against a defendant.

    {Recover arms} (Mil. Drill), a command whereby the piece is
    brought from the position of ``aim'' to that of ``ready.''

    Syn: To regain; repossess; resume; retrieve; recruit; heal;

    1. Separately, Duke said the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a preliminary order prohibiting Duke from recovering the abandonment costs on the two plants in the rates that it charges its partners in the Catawba Nuclear Station.
    2. A poll of more than 1,000 top executives indicated their confidence in the U.S. economy is recovering in the aftermath of the stock market's collapse six months ago.
    3. Currency traders were more confident that the U.S. economy is recovering.
    4. Stock prices, in their first chance to react, dove this morning before recovering some of their losses.
    5. Roselle Como, wife of singer Perry Como, is recovering from quadruple bypass coronary surgery that she underwent at the Heart Center at Duke Hospital on May 26.
    6. In a news conference marking his birthday, the emperor said he was recovering well from surgery and answered questions about his memories of World War II.
    7. A central bank official said that the recovering manufacturing industry coupled with a cooling construction industry indicates an improvement in the quality of economic growth.
    8. Jones, a recovering alcoholic and an actor who played Cooter the mechanic in the television series, "Dukes of Hazzard," is taking his second shot at Swindall's seat.
    9. Dole also said his group asked for Syria's assistance in recovering the remains of Lt.
    10. A recovering U.S. economy also promises to boost demand for machinery and other goods from Japan.
    11. In recent months, however, economists have said that the economy is recovering, largely because of efforts to make growth more dependent on domestic demand.
    12. The only survivor, 2-year-old Carmina, is recovering in Petaluma Valley Hospital.
    13. However slowly, the area is recovering, as are some of the victims.
    14. Galloway said the children were recovering quickly from what authorities allege was a terrifying experience at the hands of the religious group.
    15. The nation's commercial banks appear to be recovering from their worst year since the Depression despite mounting bank failures in the Southwest and continuing problems with loans to Third World countries, federal regulators said.
    16. In addition, reports that Saudi Arabia is not exceeding its production quota "got the market rolling right back, recovering all the ground it lost over the past two days," Hill said.
    17. European bond prices ended the day unchanged or firmer, recovering earlier losses after prices had fallen sharply due to concern about the weakening dollar.
    18. Sears, which reported disappointing profits this week, rose 2 at 99p, recovering part of Thursday fall, on turnover of 21m shares. A squeeze in BAA as the company agreed an office development deal with British Airways sent the shares climbing 16 to 645p.
    19. The EDS results gave an additional boost to the Class E stock, which has been recovering from its fall in the wake of GM's buyout of H. Ross Perot, EDS's founder and former chairman.
    20. March 1989 at one point touched its limit decline before recovering slightly.
    21. The plane's pilot was killed, but the co-pilot ejected and was reported recovering from burns.
    22. The bomb nearly blew off Breaux' foot as he was entering the car, but he underwent massive reconstructive surgery and is recovering. Leche was less severly injured.
    23. Government spokesmen insist President Alfredo Stroessner enjoys good health, but his absences from official functions has provoked rumors that he is recovering from surgery.
    24. In Tokyo, dealers said the market closely followed the movement of the U.S. dollar, with yen bonds recovering from their lows whenever the the dollar retreated from its highs.
    25. Pork belly prices have been recovering slowly since early September after sliding to 18-year lows during the summer as supplies piled up in warehouses, a function of declining consumption of bacon, which is made from pork bellies.
    26. At one point the March contract fell as low as 99.3 cents, the first time that contract has been below $1 since Dec. 4, when it traded around 90 cents for one day before recovering.
    27. Mr. Johnson is recovering from a stroke he suffered in March.
    28. "I was overwhelmed, and that understates the whole thing," she said of the reception she received as she made her way to an ambulance, where she spent about 20 minutes recovering.
    29. A man accused of killing his 77-year-old father in his hospital bed was in stable condition Monday recovering from two self-inflicted gunshot wounds, officials said.
    30. Auditore's brother, Vincent, 37, runs a drop-in center for recovering addicts and said he was one of a small group of young men who made the first local heroin connection in 1968.
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