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 reconquer [ri'kɔŋkɚ添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 再征服, 夺回

    [ verb ]
    conquer anew
    The country reconquered the territory lost in the previous war

    Reconquer \Re*con"quer\ (r?*k?n"k?r), v. t. [Pref. re- +
    conquer: cf. F. reconqu['e]rir.]
    To conquer again; to recover by conquest; as, to reconquer a
    revolted province.

    1. If Mr Caldera cannot reconquer his party for the 1994 campaign, he is likely to run as a candidate for the socialist MAS. After the February putsch the president promised to install a constituent assembly to reform the Constitution.
    2. For a group that hopes to reconquer space for America, Mr. Davis and his team have a modest set-up.
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